19:Secret's Out Part 1

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Y/N's P.O.V

It's been a week since we went to the beach with Team RWBY, JNPR and CVFY. These past days it's been same old same old, wake up, wake the team up, train, go back to sleep, wake up again, get to class, get some food, hang out with friends, write homework, study, go to sleep, repeat.

But today is different, today students from different schools will be arriving in Vale for the tournament meaning Ryo and his team will be arriving.

Mai thought it'd be best to go into Vale as a team and hang out, and she seemed really excited about it. I had other plans I planned to visit Rock at the basketball court, the team wanted to go with me and I allowed.

I wore a white long sleeved V-neck shirt, blue ripped jeans, blue and white sneakers and a white cap. Andy wore a black short sleeved button shirt, white long pants and red sneakers. Joe wore a blue sleeveless shirt, brown shorts and black sandals. Mai had her hair down, she wore a yellow short sleeved shirt which exposed her stomach, white ripped jean shorts and brown sandals.

(A/N:Honestly I like having characters wear different clothing in a daily basis (Sad sigh) I kinda wish that was added to the show but eh, it's a cartoon.)

We caught the earlier Bullhead and left Beacon to Vale. We're currently walking towards the basketball court.

"So, you're friends with a kid?" Joe asked.

"Pretty much." I replied.

"How'd you meet him?" Andy asked.

"Back in the days when I used to work part-time, I would go by the basketball court and get some shots in. One afternoon I saw this blonde haired kid shooting some shots but missed every time, it was kinda funny seeing him struggling but I went over there and helped him out. Since then I've been teaching him basketball, our teacher-student relationship grew to a friendship." I explained.

"Doesn't the kid have friends?" Mai asked.

"None that I know of." I replied as Joe took my cap and put it on.

"Well that's cool for him. I bet he feels awesome being friends with someone a lot older than him." Joe said.

"You're not teaching him stuff he shouldn't be knowing at his age, right?" Mai asked.

"Obviously. What do you take me as, an animal?" I asked.

"I mean you are a faunus." She said.

"Wooooooooow." Andy and I uttered in surprise.

"Heartless and thoughtless. Shame on you Mai." Joe remarked at Mai.

"I'm kidding! That was a joke!" Mai yelled trying to defend herself.

"A racist joke." Andy said shaking his head in disappointment.

"I'm hurt right now. I'm actually hurting right now." I said faking a hurt expression.

"Argh! I'm sorry then, I didn't mean offend you guys." Mai apologized before folding her arms. "Last time I try to make a joke."

"(Chuckles) Good thing we like you and don't take comments like that to heart but next time be careful of what you say." I warned and she stared at us in shock.

"You never know who might be listening." Andy said making Mai let out a sigh of relief.

"Fine. Next time I'll keep some of my comments to myself." She muttered.

"Eh, it's fine like he said we don't take comments like that to heart. We're used on getting looked down on and insulted on the daily, since we were kids on the streets." Andy said.

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