16:My Time In Beacon Part 3

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Author's Note

Hey y'all sorry for being quiet(kinda) for two weeks, I should have updated this book last week and I didn't but I can explain. Two weeks ago when I was typing a new chapter for The True Fire Lord book when suddenly I froze. I didn't know what else to type in next, I typed random crap which I hated then erased. No ideas were coming in, I was stuck.

I then thought it was a Writer's block and for those who follow me I did send a message saying I think I'm experiencing a writer's block and need help. Then this good person called IAmRokai gave me some advice. I took some those advice and relaxed my brain.

I got few texts from you guys asking me to update certain books. Now I'm back and I feel like writing so with that done and said.

Enjoy the Chapter.

(My time in Beacon p3: Road to Dominance)

Y/N's P.O.V

"Alright! Good morning everyone!" I said aloud awaking my teammates.

My teammates and I are currently in the training hall at four o'clock in the morning.

"Duuuuuuude... WHAT THE HELL ARE WE DOING HERE!!!?" Joe yelled in annoyance with red eyes.

"Yeah, it's four o'clock in the morning. Why are we awake while the rest of the school isn't?" Mai asked before taking a yawn with sleepy eyes.

"Glad you asked we're here to--" I was interrupted to the sound of snoozing.

I look to see Andy sleeping while standing.

(A/N:Have any of y'all slept while standing? I have... and it didn't end well.😖)

"How is that even possible?" Joe asked in shock as he rubbed his eyes.

"If there's a will there's way." Mai muttered before yawning.

I let out a sigh before taking out a dog whistle.

"Andy, wake up." I said but nothing.

"Alright. You made me do this." I muttered before turning to Joe. "Hey Joe, come here a sec."

Joe stumbled towards me before letting out a yawn.

"Put your hands on my ears and don't let go unless I tell you to." I ordered and he nodded before covering my ears.

I placed the whistle in my mouth before blowing it. Andy's eyes shot open then he fell to the ground, covering his ears and rolled around as he screamed for me to stop.

I stopped blowing before taking out the whistle.

"Good. You're finally awake." I said before nudging Joe. "You can let go of me now."

Joe went back to where he was and Andy finally rose to his feet.

"Argh... you'll be pay that one. Anyway, shouldn't this room be locked after hours?" Andy asked.

"I borrowed the keys from our lovely teacher Miss Goodwitch." I replied.

"Anymore questioned?" I asked.

"What are we doing here!?" The three yelled.

"(Chuckles) Well, you guys are certainly awake. We're here to train." I replied.

"Train?" They questioned.

"Yup." I said.

"What for? We are already train by ourselves." Joe pointed out.

"That's true but we have never trained as a team before. As leader I want what's best for each of us and I think training together would bring out the best in one another." I explained.

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