10:The Secret comes out

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Y/N's P.O.V

"You're getting WHAT!!!?" Joe yelled in shock.

"SHHHHH!!! Be quiet! People could be sleeping!" Mai whisper-yelled at Joe.

"W-Wow, Mai. I can't believe it." I said surprised.

"Me too." Andy muttered folding his arms.

"You're joking, right?" Joe asked.

"(Sigh) No, it's true. I am getting married." Mai confessed looking down at her lap.

"Whoa, okay. So whose the lucky guy?" I asked.

"Correction! Whose the unlucky guy?" Joe asked causing Mai to glare at him but she soon calmed down.

"I don't know he's name... yet." She replied.

"You don't know his name!? How did he manage to score with you when you don't bother to remember his name?" Joe asked, surprised.

"... It's an arranged marriage, you moron!" She yelled.

"Oooh, that makes sense." Joe said causing all of us to facepalm.

"My parents say that he is the strongest warrior of his clan and as son of the chief he's  next in line to rule over his people." She said.

"Wait, so if he's the son of the chief and you're suppose to marry him... doesn't that kinda make you a princess?" Joe asked.

"It kinda does." Mai said surprising us.

"YOU'RE A PRINCESS!!!?" Andy, Joe and myself yelled in shock.

"Yes! Stop yelling! Anyway, my parents say I'll meet him the day the tournament begins." Mai said then let out a devastating sigh.

"You don't want to marry this guy, right?" Andy asked.

"Obviously! I don't want to marry anyone, not right now and not someone I don't know! This is why I left for Beacon, to get away from them! I hate having my life decided for me!" Mai yelled as tears threatened to leak out from her eyes.

"Why don't you deny?" I asked then she stared at me.

"H-Huh?" She muttered.

"He's right. Just deny to marry the guy." Joe said.

"I can't... If I don't marry him then I'll be bringing shame to the Shirinuwi Clan. I... I have no choice." Mai said as tears went down from her eyes.

"Mai, it's your life not theirs. Don't marry the guy if you don't want to." Andy stated.

"B-But I'll be bringing shame to--" Mai was then interrupted.

"What about your happiness, Mai? Are you really going to let them control your life?" Andy asked.

"They'll disown me if I don't do as I'm told." Mai said as more tears fell from her eyes.

"If they do... then they never loved you." Andy stated.

"I agree, if they do then they never saw you as their daughter but some robot that obeys." I said in a serious tone.

"True but don't worry about being alone we'll be there with you." Joe said then Mai stared at us in shock.

"D-Do you... do you all agree with him?" Mai asked.

"Without a doubt." Andy said.

"Of course, we're not just teammates we're family... even if it's only been a month." I said with a closed eye smile.

"I have never had a family before but this team is the greatest family I could ask for." Joe said as Andy and I nodded in agreement.

Mai swiped away her tears then walked towards us and pulled us in for a hug.

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