6:Team Fatal Fury

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Y/N's P.O.V

"Heads uuuuuuuuppppppppppp!!!" A familiar voice screamed from above.

We look up to see Ruby falling from the sky, she continued to fall but then out of nowhere Jaune came in flying then collided with Ruby midair and they crashed into a tree.

"Ooh, that's gotta hurt." I muttered.

"Did your sister just fall out of the sky?" Blake asked Yang.

"That was your sister?" Andy asked surprised.

Before Yang could reply a Ursa came from the forest and it looked like it was struggling for some reason. The Ursa then fell to the ground and on it's back was... Nora.

"Awww, it's broken." Nora said in a sad tone then Ren came out the forest, exhausted.

"Nora, please... don't... ever do that again." He said while trying to catch his breath then turned to face her but she had disappeared.

"Yo, Ren!" I called out catching his attention then pointed behind me to a curious Nora.

Nora was staring at each of the relics until she came upon a white rook piece, she then chose the rook piece, placed it on top of her head and began singing 'I'm Queen of the Castle' over and over.

"Nora!!!" Ren yelled causing her to stop her singing and she let out a giggle.

"Coming, Ren." Nora said then happily skipped towards him.

"Did that girl just ride in on a Ursa?" Blake asked.

"I--" Yang was then interrupting by a horrific roar.

We turn to a female Spartan...

We turn to a female Spartan

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... running from a huge Grimm...

 and she was dodging all it's attacks

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... and she was dodging all it's attacks.

"That's is a big Grimm." I commented.

"She could use some help." Andy said.

"Jaune!" The Spartan called out.

"Pyrrha!" Jaune called back then Ruby jumped down the tree and landed between her sister and I.

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