17:My Time In Beacon Part 3

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Previously on The Legendary Hungry Wolf

"Me, Velvet and the rest of my team were thinking of heading to the beach next weekend, bring your team along and that's when we make them notice each other's feelings." Coco stated.

"But now everything changes. We are all gonna help each other out in every way possible, we must always be on the same page, we must get better at using our semblance, improve our fighting style and most importantly improve our team work." Y/N stated.

"Whoa! It's pretty crowded." Joe said.

"Of course it is. It's a beach." Mai stated.

"Come on guys, we're at the beach let's stop standing around and go have fun." Jaune said.

"I agree. Let's enjoy ourselves." Pyrrha said and we nodded in agreement.

"Coco? What's up?" Y/N asked as Coco stopped pulling him.

"We messed up. We totally forgot the whole point of this trip." Coco said.

"What are you talking about?" Y/N asked, she then pointed at Joe and Velvet who were currently with Mai, Andy, Yang, Weiss, Ren, Fox and Yatsuhashi.

"First let's get them away from the group so they can be alone." Coco said and Y/N nodded.

"Uh-uh. We have a job for you two? Could you go buy every some drinks from that shop across the road?" Coco asked Velvet and Joe.

We turn to see Joe and Velvet back with a plastic filled with drinks but we noticed the two acting weird.

"You guys okay? You look a little red?" Andy asked.

"Huh? Yeah, we're fine. Why wouldn't we be?" Joe replied before letting out a nervous chuckle.

"Did... did something happen when you went to buy?" Coco asked with a smirk.

"Huh!? N-No, nothing happened." Velvet said as her face turned red.

The story continues...

(My Time In Beacon Part 3: The Beach p2)

Thirty minutes earlier...

Joe's P.O.V

"Uh-uh. We have a job for you two? Could you go buy every some drinks from that shop across the road?" Coco asked me and Velvet.

"That one? But isn't it kinda far, we can always go get them from that machine." Velvet said pointing at the machine near the Krispy Crabs.

"Nah, those drink are terrible. The ones across the road are far more better." She said.

"Oh, okay then. Let's get going Vel." I said before turning to Velvet and noticed her cheeks turn a bit red.

'Wait, is that a good sign or a bad sign?'

I look back at Coco and Terry to see them smirk at us.

'These two are up to something and I don't like it.'

Velvet and I leave the group and walk towards the road.

"Just so you know I don't know where this place is so get ready to lead the way." I confessed.

"(Giggles) Don't worry I'll lead the way." Velvet said then grasped my hand and my eyes widened.

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