20:Secret's Out Part 2

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Previously on The Legendary Hungry Wolf...

"So, you're friends with a kid?" Joe asked.

"Pretty much." Y/N replied.

Y/N felt a vibration in his pocket, he reached in and takes out his scroll, he opens it up and sees a text from Ryo.

"Hey, it's Ryo." Y/N said.

"Who?" Joe asked.

"Wait, Ryo Sakazaki? Yuri's older brother?" Mai asked.

"Who?" Andy asked.

"An old friend." Mai and Y/N replied before looking at the text.

"I'll l go first then. I met Ryo and Robert back in South Town in a club two years when I was working as a bartender." Y/N said.

"Robert Garcia, also known as the Raging Tiger but most people knew him as the future successor of the Garcia Foundation and Ryo Sakazaki, the Invincible Dragon but he was mostly known as the youngest King of Fighters." Y/N explained.

"Okay, now those are cool nicknames... but they aren't better than mine." Joe stated earning an eye roll from Mai.

"Youngest King of Fighters? Doesn't that mean--" Andy paused as he saw his brother nod.

"Last year while I was still home my parents received a card with a red R stamp on it which was for me, the letter was an invite to join a tournament called the King of Fighters." Mai explained.

"I left my home and searched for teammates, it took days until I found Yuri whom was arguing with her brother about joining the team but he refused. Her brother, father and friend left her behind, I took the opportunity to ask her to join my team and she immediately agreed." Mai said.

"King? Weird name for a girl." Joe remarked.

"But the girl is a great fighter she knows how to use her legs, she kicked so much Yuri and I started calling her the Beautiful Kick's Illusion." Mai explained.

"Hey Rock!" Y/N called out and he turned to him in surprise.

"Y--" Rock was interrupted when the ball hit him at the face and the four let out a small laugh.

"That's the greatest Rock band of our generation! That's the band that's gonna be playing at the Vytal Festival!" Mai yelled.

"How about your mom?" Y/N asked.

"O-Oh, s-she fine." Rock said with a smile but Y/N realized something.

"Hey, have you lost weight?" He asked staring at Rock's body.

"Huh? Oh, I've been going on a diet." He replied.

"Hey Y/N, could you I borrow your cap? The sun is kinda burning me up." Rock said.

"Oh, sure." Y/N accepted as Rock took off his cap and put it on. "Hey, what happened to that cap I gave you?" Y/N asked.

"... it got taken." Rock replied.

"Taken? As in stolen? Whoa, whose the douchbag that messed with you?" Joe asked with an angry face.

"Who took it from you?" Andy asked.

"Kevin and his friends." He replied.

"Where's is Kevin now?" Y/N asked.

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