11:The Forest of Foreverfall

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Y/N's P.O.V

Today we're going on a trip to the Forest of Foreverfall for our class stuff with Miss Goodwitch. I'm in my dorm with my friends/teammates getting prepared. I'm currently searching for my missing cap, Andy is meditating, Joe is practising his strikes and Mai was on her scroll.

I walked up to my bed then grabbed the bottom, lifted it up with one hand over my head and looked under for my cap.

"Nothing." I muttered then placed it down and did the same with the other beds but no luck.

"Argh! Anyone seen my cap?" I asked.

"No." Mai replied then went to her scroll.

"Nah." Joe responded before continuing his strikes.

Andy shook his head no then I let out a groan and fell face first on my bed.

"Where did I last put it?" I asked myself as I closed my eyes to think.

'It's not at the gym, it's not in any of the classes, it's not in Ozpin's office, it's not in Miss Goodwitch's room, it's not in Team RWBY's or JNRP's room and it's also not in the secret vault. Then where?'

After a few seconds past I realised something.

"It's in my rocket-locker!" I yelled then jumped off my bed and ran out my dorm.

Timeskip(A few minutes later)😁😁😑

I opened my locker to see my cap awaiting for me.

"How did I forget you here?" I asked myself as I took out my cap and put it on.

I shut my locker then turn to leave but my path was blocked by a girl with fair skin, short dark-brown hair and eyes. She had wavy locks on one side of her face, dyed with a gradient that starts as dark-brown and transitions to caramel.

 She had wavy locks on one side of her face, dyed with a gradient that starts as dark-brown and transitions to caramel

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She slowly lowered her glasses taking a good look at me.

"Are you the one?" She asked as I stared at her confused.

"Uhhh, yeah?" I responded not entirely sure why.

"Good. Now that I've found you." The girl's handbag suddenly transformed into a rotary canon... 


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