Chapter 16 The night of revelation

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Mew and Singto were driving their own Car while Max was using his Motorcycle they were following Tul's Car in front. All of them have a lot of questions since they are following Gulf for 3 Hours already and they are in the middle of the forest until they arrive in front of the Big white gate with a design like a gate for a castle, Ten men in black was already in front of it, they stopped for a bit but when they saw the man look at the window of Tul's car the Gigantic gate opened with one snap of the man in black suit, they continued to drive in side they can't see anything since it's all in black only a light from their car and from the moon is their source of light, they keep their mouths shut since all of their questions will be answered later when they arrive at the exact location.

They arrive at their destination, Mew and the others can't believe where they stopped Max and Singto look at each other with wide Eyes when they saw Mew come out from his car they also came out from their cars with the feeling of excitement, nervous and curious. They walk towards Mew; they are now standing at the door of the Gigantic house; it was more likely a Castle if you will describe it.

Gulf,Tul and Krist invite Mew and the others to follow them the Gigantic and elegant Door open and the Workers of the house fall in line and bow their heads once they saw Gulf, A man in a 50's came closer and said " welcome back Master Gulf, Master Tul and Master Krist we are glad for your came home" the workers that still head down greet " welcome home masters".

"Thank you David, this is Mew,Max and Singto, they are our friends," Gulf said.

"Good evening Sir, welcome to our Humble mansion please feel free to ask us anything if you need something" David the head butler said giving respect to Mew and the others.

"Thank you for your warm welcome," Mew said, giving respect to the elder, Mew and his friend bowed their heads a little and smiled to give respect to the head butler. David gave back the smile and Gulf interrupted them and said.

"We will not take any visitors so until i said no one will be allowed to enter" the butler looked at Gulf that was talking to him.

"Follow me" Gulf said to Mew and the others, they went to a room and they looked around and found that it was a mini bar where one barista is the only person there, the whole place was dim lit and the glass window was wide open to see the Full moon. They sat where Gulf was sitting while Tul and Krist were preparing the monitor. Mew and Max were in front of Gulf while Singto was standing at the window.

Through the window you can see the wide field where you can practice and train a lot of stuff like Gun shooting, horse riding, archery and many more. It was also facing the beautiful river filled with flowers.

This place is sure like a paradise in the morning. Singto said to himself.

The barista who made and prepared their drinks left after his Job since Krist said it.

"I will start explaining everything to you, why we are here, why we hide our identities and the most important is who we really are." Gulf said, he took a deep breath close his eyes and look at Mew.

If after this you chose to left and be my enemy i will not tolerate you, what we have done together will be a trash if chose the wrong side Mew, but if you take my side but don't have intention to help me it will be fine just don't chose to be my enemy cause i will not going to think twice and will kill you whatever it will cost. Gulf said to himself.

"I know that all of you know that me, Max and Singto have a Gun and tracker devices wh..." Mew was cut off when Krist interrupted him.

"That is because we trust all of you and when we said all of you we are referring including Off,Ohm and Kao we also know that they were listening to us right now" Krist said while Tul was still busy at the laptop.

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