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"Mew your father has arrived" mild Said.

"Wait what!!?" Gulf and mew said in unison they look at each other with a shock on their faces.

Gulf's POV

Mild chuckle at the two person expression, he look at them and said. "Come on Uncle and Auntie is already down stairs"

"Wait, I thought mom is still at States?" Mew ask and Mild shrugged his shoulder. After that Mild left us and we immediately fixed our selves to go down with Mild.

When we came down Mew's father and mother already sitting at the living room. Tul and Krist look at me with a smirk so I stared at them wickedly. Mew grabbed my waist so I looked at him and he smiled at me, i can feel that his saying that i should calmed down.

"Oh, there you are," Mew's mother said and stood up together with her husband.

"Mom, Dad" Mew came to them and give them a g

"Mom how are you?" Mew asked.

"I am fine asked your Dad his so stressed lately." He looked at his dad and shook his head.

"By the way is this gulf?" His mother point at me and I stood there like a Statue, Mew look atme and smiled and grabbed my hand walking forward to his parents.

"Yes, mom This is Gulf, my Boyfriend" Mew said while looking at me lovingly. I can feel that Tul and the others was laughing at me deep inside.

"Hello, Mam and Sir" I Said shyly.

"Aww, you're so cute. Please leave the formalities please call me mom" Mew's mother said making me widened my eyes.

"Yes, your right he's indeed adorable" Mew's father said agreeing to his wife.

"Dad, Mom I Know that please stop teasing him," mew said pulling me closer to him.

"Dad should we talked about -" I cut him off and said.

"ahh Mew I think we can talked about that later first we should eat launch it's already noon and to think of it they must be tired, we should let them rest first there's still a lot of time," I said looking at Mew.

"Your too sweet Gulf thanks for caring about us nit like our own Son" Mew's father said.

"It's nothing sir, "

"Gulf please don't call us Sir and Mam just call us uncle and Auntie" Mew's Dad said.

"No, I won't allow it," Mew's mother said making me to look at her and look down.

"Mom?" Mew said.

"I will not going to allow you call me auntie, I want you to call me and him Mom and Dad," I was relieved hearing that to her but I blushed then Mew whisper something to me that's making me more blushed.

"M-mom, D-dad I think- I think the food is ready we should eat," I said and the sweet couple smile at me sweetly I can see that they were satisfied. After that we walk through the dining room and eat.

Mew's POV

I was so happy that mom and dad accept and like Gulf. I want to know what my dad wants to say and what he knows but I know Gulf will get mad if I will stop him plus I can't allow him to eat late because his doctor prescribed him to have some good meal in right time.

I was surprised at what my mom said, i was speechless because my mom never get so close that fast to a person. Yes, my mom get me into a lot of dates with her colleagues daughter and son but she make sure that all of that girl and boy has a good personality. But everytime that person had date with me they all change like because of my family name they think that they are more powerful making my mom to be disgusted by them.

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