Chapter 30 OWNERSHIP!!!

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"I know that," Gulf look at him seductively biting his lower lips and slowly opening Mew's robe, Gulf lean forward to Mew's ears and said in a very seductive voice. "And I-WANT-IT HUBBY,"

Mew lost his little sanity and Grabbed Gulf's thigh and lift him to go to their room, Gulf was leaving a hickey at Mew's neck same goes to Mew. Mew lean Gulf at the wall pulling Gulf that attached to his neck they eyed each other filled with lust and love.

Mew attacks Gulf's chestnut lips exploring the sweet cavern, Gulf held's Mew's broad shoulder thigh making sure that he will not be going to fall he was filling the whole room with his sweet moaned and slicking mouth.

Gulf got down on his feet and looked Mew lustfully, both panting not so long that Mew ripped Gulf's clothes, exposing the chest that was moving up and down reaching for air. Mew look at Gulf's aroused nipples and started to nibble them. Gulf moaned loud while living scratches at Mew's back. Gulf pushed Mew until they reached the Bed, Mew sat down and Gulf laid his ass at Mew's erect member. both of them moan at the sensation, Mew unbuckles Gulf's belt and unbutton it while sucking and linking Gulf's swollen nipples, Gulf also took off Mew's robe, every movement was making the fire get hotter and hotter for both of them. 

Gulf pull Mew at his now swollen nipples and kissed him deeply he push Mew down now he was on top looking at Mew with his eyes is filled with lust and seduction. He bit his lip and got down of the bed kneeling in front of Mew's member, he then rubbed Mew's covered cock. Mew was watching him while he was licking the cloth that was covering the thick and long manhood of him. 

Gulf pull-down Mew's boxer showing the standing cock of his boyfriend he gulps knowing that it was more excited now than the first time they did it. It was thicker and longer making him use his two-hand just to hold it completely. Mew growled when Gulf start linking the tip filled with pre-cum. Mew was now looking at Gulf using his arms to support his body he tilted his Head backward when Gulf put almost half of his dick inside of his warmed mouth. Gulf's tough was playing at Mew's dick Mew moaned and rolled his eyes at the pleasure that Gulf was giving him.

Mew stood up and grabbed Gulf's hair it was hard but Gulf felt pleasure instead of pain, Gulf was also playing himself while his other hand was stroking and at the same time licking Mew's dick, Gulf put his one finger in his hole and in time past he was already riding his own three-fingers. Mew pull his head and smashed their lips Gulf stood up and sat at Mew's thigh Mew grabbed Gulf's Cock and his own sticking to each other and he starts to stroke it at the same time both of them moaned at the ecstasy.

"Mew, baby please put it in I-I want you s-s0 bAD," Gulf said clenching Mew's muscled shoulder. Mew stopped at what he was doing and lay Gulf down slowly their lips were still connected. Mew pull their heated kiss and look at Gulf he mover a little down and spread Gulf's leg he saw that Gulf was so wet and already ready for him to enter. Mew placed his tip at the entrance and Gulf gasps when he realizes that three-fingers were not enough for him to be ready for Mew's size. Mew move slowly knowing that His size was not an understatement. Gulf covered his red face being embarrassed since Mew was looking at him lustfully and his position was too wild.

Mew lean to him and whispered, "Baby, uncover your face DADY WANT TO SEE YOUR BEAUTIFUL FACE," Gulf look at him with a blushed face and uncover his face Mew smile satisfied when he saw Gulf's face, and in one go he pulls his cock making Gulf feel empty he was about to look at Mew when Mew suddenly Thrusts in one go making his breath stopped and his head tilted back while gripping the bedsheets almost ripping it, his toes curled up and Mew rest his head at Gulf's neck waiting for a signal to move.

after some minute, Gulf adjusted and taped Mew's shoulder, leaving some marks all over his chest. "baby, you ok?" Mew asked Gulf and he just nodded.

"Move," the only word Gulf said, and Mew smile he slowly moves Gulf wrapped his arms around Mew's neck and pulled for a passionate kissed he then wrapped his legs at Mew's waist and stick more to him making Mew thrust deeper inside him. Gulf moaned when Mew's one hand was playing with his erect nipples and the other was supporting his own weight. the room was filled with moaning, growled, and skin slapping. Their first night at the resort was full of passion, love, ecstasy, and lust they both enjoyed each other's warmth after three rounds on the bed Gulf and Mew cleaned themselves in the showered which turn to make their fourth and five round. 

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