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Singto's POV

I was reading some emails while seating on our bed while Krist was laying beside me. I felt the room was too peaceful no noise coming from my baby who was always taking much. I look at him and saw that he was spacing out I put aside my laptop and hug him.

I felt something is wrong but he was not opening up, I want to ask but I was a bit reluctant. I felt him sigh and look at me he hug me too and buried his face in my chest.

"Done?" he asks.

"Yes, why are you still up? why not take a nap?" 

"I can't, I'm not sleepy," I rub his back to comfort him.

"babe, you know you can talk to me right?" He looks at me a little and get back to where he was earlier.

"how do you feel about having a family?" I was shaken by what he asks at me and took me a second before answering.

"Well, it's warm and felt complete I guess," I said.

"really? I wish I could feel that too," He said and immediately look at me. "I mean I know Gulf and the others are my families but, I wish I could find my true parents even though they sell me and leave me behind to those people who also tried to use me as payment for their dept," 

I can't see the jolly person right now because of the sadness in his eyes, I know that behind those bright smiles is the hole that no one can seal. I want to help him so I tried to look for his adopted parents but I got stuck since they always run every time my men found them.

"After this, let's go to my parents and start our mission," I declared gaining his attention.

"why? and what mission?" I smiled bitterly.

"hmm... why because my parents want to see you and mission of looking for your parents," He sat up and look at me I look at him and used my elbow to support my body just to look at him directly I saw the tear flowing to his cheek so I wipe it away.

"y-your parents know about me?" I nodded because the butler who was assigned at the mansion is reporting every detail to my parents so the day I kept him in my home my parents called me and even scolded me for letting my soon-to-be boyfriend that time getting hurt. like Uncle and Auntie Suppasit my parents don't care whom I will date just make sure that I will give them a grandchild who can continue the legacy of our family. 

"Are they mad?" He said worriedly. 

"No, you can ask my butler they even scolded me for letting those bustards hold you," it's true they even think about going home that time just to see if he was alright but I asked them not to since that time Krist still not forgiving me on what I said.

"why?" he asks again I pull him making him on top of my chest.

"because my mother is protective of her in-laws," Is aid smirking seeing how red his ears were.

"But I'm not your lover that time, and who said that I will marry you," he said pouting I chuckle at how cute he was I'm glad that I diverted his attention he was back on being jolly.

"yes, we're not yet in a relationship at that time but my family knew that once I declared that you're mine then you will be mine and no one else could take you away from me. about the marriage, I am not going to force you but I will make sure that once I knelt in front of you holding a ring YOU-WILL-SAY-YES," I said and pulled him towards me making him be on top of me I smirk and smashed our lips.

We are fighting for dominance at first but I won and I lifted our position now I am the one who was towering over him. I don't know how it was so possible for me to get hard on just by smelling his scent, I mean is it possible that a man like me who has full control when it comes to self-control be so aroused just by the smell of this person underneath me. 

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