Chapter 52 DOOMED

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Mew's POV

Shit! What did just Sammy say? What baby? Fuck I don't know what's happening but the moment I saw Gulf on the floor I felt the adrenaline. I only want to make sure his safe I didn't even ask Sammy what she was talking about.

Did I just pass by Gulf's mother and sister? Fuck everything is so messed up I hope they didn't think that I don't have manners but I will fix that later after making sure his safe.

When I came out of the Mansion a van was already waiting for us, I came in and lay Gulf on my lap the van immediately drove away not waiting for the others. I notice the blood on my hands not knowing where it came from but I look down at his lower part and saw how the seat of the van was covered with blood just then what Sammy said came to my mind. Is it possible that his carrying our child? 


Author's note

Sammy immediately calls the nearby where Singto brings Krist, Sammy is at the edge of crying but she makes sure to keep it she can't be emotionally weak right now her two friends are in danger she needs to be strong. She drop the call after and look around she was currently in the van where Hazel, Chaisee, and Alexia are the van was driven by Max beside him Tul who was silent the whole time they start the van. Sammy took a deep breath and look at the three women.

"Does any of you hurt?" She asks no one answers, so she took the sphygmomanometer that was on the box that they carried. "Ma'am I need to check you will you please allow me?" she ask Chaisee that is now looking at her and nodded smiled and do the procedure.

"Tul calm yourself don't you dare copy Krist and Gulf I will surely kill the three of you," she said and rolled her eyes.

"Sorry," Tul said.

"It's alright baby everything will be ok," Max said holding with his one hand while the other was on the steering wheel. Sammy continues to check on Chaisee and Alexia.

"Hi, you must be Hazel I need to check on your wounds," Sammy said seeing some wounds around Hazel's body until she look into hazel's eyes she had been silent since the first time they went to the van.

"Don't cry, your brother will be fine," Sammy said wiping hazel's tears.

"We arrive," Max said and everyone look at him.

"all of you can go I will park first and call the others," Max said.


at the parking lot, Max was about to call Thara and Rose but he already saw the van that belongs to the family. 

"Max, Where are they? How are they?" Rose said getting down from the van while Thara helps Chaiya.

"Auntie sorry but I also don't have any Idea what is happening everything happens so fast I think we should go now, Gulf lost consciousness and everyone is on their way," 

"How are hazel and my wife?" Jerome asks while on their way.

"Both of them are fine just little bruises and scratches Sammy already check them while we are on our way.

"How's chaisee?" Chaiya ask but before he answered they heard a gasp. They look at the way and saw Chaisee tearing up Alexia and hazel is both on her side to support her.


The Van that mew and Gulf were using arrived Mew immediately run inside holding Gulf in his arms.

"Please save him," on the entrance a doctor is already waiting for their arrival.

They lay Gulf on the bed and start running to the emergency room. The doctor didn't come inside he pull Mew outside since he was not allowed in there.

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