Chapter 9 Scared and Confused

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Mew and Gulf were engulfed by silence while sitting outside the convenience store not knowing how to break the ice between the both of them until mew decided to talk and start to talk and stick to his plan Which is confessing to Gulf.

"Hmm.. Gulf do you want to take a walk by the side of the river?" Mew said, and looked to Gulf who was looking at the floor because of his shyness Gulf was really shy right now and a lot of stuff was running through his mind like l, why does he want to walk along the river, what does he want to ask, why does it have to be just the two of us. Gulf's heart right now is beating so fast now it's more likely to want to pop out because of so much beat.

"Sure why not... I mean I don't have anything to do and there's no assignment and tomorrow is Satur.." Gulf stopped when he realized that he was explaining so much. Mew was so amazed at Gulf because of its cuteness he can't hide the smile on his face so he tried to cover it with his right hand scratching his nose Gulf can still see the smile on Mew and he feels like he's faced is burning right now so he decided to look at the floor again and hide it from mew.

Mew noticed that Gulf's ear was so red and that got him too he also started to feel that his face was so hot so he decided to stand and walk in front of the gulf and he handed his hands and invited gulf to stand up so that they could start walking along the river.

Gulf saw a hand in front of him and saw Mew standing in front and handed his own hands wanting to help him to get up.

"Let's this time I think we can see the sunset. If we go there" mew said and gave a warm smile to gulf Gulf handed his hand also and they started walking.

"Sure let's go. I want to see that it's been a long time since I watched it" Gulf said with a smile but you can still see the sadness that is covering his beautiful eyes and that caught the attention of Mew.

Mew wanted to ask gulf why he was so sad saying those words but that was cut off when Gulf looked at him and smiled brightly so he thought that he was just overreacting.

"Hmm..." Mew was thinking about how he was going to start to tell his feelings to Gulf but gulf noticed that something was bothering him so gulf asked.

"Are you ok mew?" Gulf said in a worried tone.

"If you want to say something you can say it to me I promised that I am a good keeper of a promise," gulf said.

"Well... Gulf can I ask you..." Gulf was looking at Mew that was standing right beside him, mew don't know how to start because this was the first time that he would confess to a person.

"It's ok just relax, it's just me no one else is here," gulf said giggling and look at him and somehow he got the courage to say it out loud.

"It's just what you think about the relationship between my friend... You know off and gun, ohm, and fluke the same goes for Kao and Earth are you against them?" Gulf giggles stop and face Mew seriously on that Mew's heart beat fast because he's thinking if Gulf will say that he is against it then he will not gonna have a chance to be Gulf's boyfriend.

"Of course... I am not against it because... I myself was also gay... and in that case, I support them" mew was speechless and his eyes widened because of what gulf just said.

"Maybe you are asking why I said to you that I am gay it's because I know that you will still be going accept me and my friends as one of your friends because I know that we can trust you and you are also kind plus we don't hide it we don't care to others," Gulf said and look at the river where they are standing they can see there the beautiful sunset, bird flying wooing all around and the river that is shining because of the light reflection from the sunset.

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