Chapter 35 Trouble

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"Bright, Do you know them?" Mean shouted while firing his gun hiding behind their car. They were supposed to pick Max and the others at the airport but on their way, they were attacked by an unknown civilian.

"No!" Mean answered "Yacht try to contact Fluke and warn them now!" Mean command. Yacht do as what Mean said why coming into the back to get contact with the others Jimmy covered him from the civilian.

They came home the day before the Jongcheveevat just to fix some things from the mansion. Today was the day, where everyone will go home. Mild was the one who didn't go with them to make sure that the mansion is fixed and safe. Mean, Bright, Jimmy and Yacht were the one who was supposed to fetch the others at the airport but unfortunately, they were Attack. Yacht was about to dial the phone but it ring's first and it's was Fluke.

"Where the hell is all of you!" Fluke shouted at the other line. Jimmy was shocked when he heard the noise of gunfire on the other side of the phone. "Wait, where are you why is there gunfire also?" Fluke added.

"Civilians attacked us, they were too many it's getting hard to kill them all" Yacht said.

"What the actual fuck who the hell they are, they are fucking wishing for death!!!" Fluke said.

"I already called our troops to come so hang in there wait for us," Yacht said firing his gun at the Civilian who attacked Jimmy.

"Are you out of your mind Yacht? of course we will wait we fucking don't have a choice they were too many for us to get out of here unharmed. Make it fast we are running out of Amo," by that Fluke hang up.

"Shit! we need to make it fast Fluke was also being ambushed," Yacht said to the others.

"fOR FUCKING SAKE WHO THE HELL WANT TO FACE SATAN IN HELL!!?" Bright course pissed at what is happening now.

n just a minute a van of troops came and help them to clean the mess. The whole place was ruined because of the fight a lot of dead bodies can be seen all over the place, the ground was filled with the fresh blood that was gushing from the cold corpses of their enemy.

"We need to go there faster they are running out of Amo," Jimmy said after making sure that everyone is already dead. all of them hop in the van and refill their Amo while making their way towards the others.

On the other side fluke and the others are having a hard time to fight back, there's a lot of enemy that surrounds them even Mr. And Mrs Suppasit took their gun and start to fight back. Yes, of course they know how to fight since when they were young they are the most dangerous couple because both of them are good in many things it includes killing and fighting.

Krist was out of amo when suddenly a man pointed a gun to his head but he was fast enough to sway the gun a way making the guy to thrown it away from them. Krist immediately took the chance to fight with his barehand since he was out of Amo.

"Krist watch out!!!" Singto shouted when he saw that a guy from the back was pointing the gun at Krist and fired it at his head. Singto can't move because he was also fighting with his bare hands.

Krist look behind and saw the man that was about to shoot him he thought that he was dead when he heard the gun shot, but when he open his eyes a girl riding a black motorcycle was in front of him and depending him.

"You alright?" The girl look at him and took off her helmet when he realized who it was he hugged her, three more motorcycle had come to help them and at the exact time that the one who help them was about to run out of Amo and strength Bright and Mean together with the other back up's had arrived.

Mean took off the van even though it was still running together with Bright, Yacht and Jimmy. They slowly saw the group that they were not familiar but they didn't shoot them because it they can see that they were helping Max and Singto to fight back. They slowly took the way near to their boss parents. Bright, Yacht and Jimmy covered Mean when he lead Mr. And Mrs. Suppasit to the side where there is less danger.

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