Chapter 36 Worried 🔞

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Mew's POV

Gulf and I shared the sweet and passionate night of our first night here at my Villa, after we had sex fir like an hour at the bathroom, and another two hours at the bed he painted and he was now at the deep sleep. i only clean Him up and put My oversized shirt on him and a boxer for him while I only Ware my bottom clothes.

I look at his face that was now peacefully sleeping beside me a smile creep in my lips remembering how adorable he was. My attention got to my phone when it vibrate at the night stand.

I look at it and saw that Max was calling me, I stood up and walk at the balcony I closed the sliding class door and  but let the curtain to the side so that he can still see Gulf.

"Hello, what happened?" I asked.

"Mew, we got attack by civilian earlier and it was all planned since they also know that Mean an the other came back the day before us," Max explain what happened earlier and about Gulf's friends.

"Ok, I understand I will take care of it. Bye," in that I hung up the phone and walk in and lay beside Gulf I was thinking if I should say it to Gulf. I was him to get relax but if he knows about it he will get worried and I am sure that he will insisted to go home and that is not good.

But I don't want to keep a secret from him and it was also his friends life I know he will get angry if he knows that I lied to him. I was so confused what to di right now that I didn't even realize that I already joined my beloved Gulf at the Dreamland.

When I woke up Gulf was not beside me I stumbled when I stood up in a speed and lost my balance I walk at the living room but I didn't see him I heard someone was at the kitchen so I run over there and then I saw my sexy boyfriend cooking some breakfast.

"Good morning handsome" he greeted me.

I walked behind him and wrapped my arms around his perfectly shape waist and lay my chin at the crook if his neck.

"Good morning gorgeous" I said and he chuckled. I smile them that smiled fade away remembering what happened to his parents and their friends.

"Breakfast is ready go and prepare the table so we can eat," Gulf said to me and I nodded.

I fixed the table while Gulf was putting all the food in their respective plate. I sight knowing that I will die in guilty because I was lying to Gulf. Because of that I decided to tell it to him even if that would cause us to go home it's ok.

"Babe, you alright?" Gulf said putting on the table the food that he cooked earlier, I look at him and grabbed his wrist then pull him towards me. I sat him at my lap and kissed his shoulder.

"Babe, I need to say something to you, but please don't panicked," I started and he nodded.

"What is it?" Gulf asked snaking his arms towards my nape.

"Well, my parents together with the others..." I stop and took a breath in "they've been ambushed when their plain arrived and they were on their way to the mansion. Don't worry they are all fine and all those civilian already died, as of now Max and the others were investing who it was," I look at him and squeeze his hand a little.

"Do you want do go home?" I asked knowing that he wants to make sure everyone is safe and sound. He look at me and cupped my hands, he showed me his slightly worried smile.

"Can we call them?" He asked and I nodded.

"Sure, we can video call them I always make sure that all of my Island has signal," I said, he then took the plate and put some garlic rice and some bacon and eggs.

I just stared at what he was doing confused at his actions. "Don't look at me like that and let's eat, I am hungry" he said bringing me back to reality. He stood up and turn around to face me he then took the seat beside me, he held my hand And squeeze it.

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