Chapter 49 WAR pt1

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HI, I'M BACK?!! - author

Author's POV

Mew's group has been entered and still waiting for the response of the others they stayed in the bushes signaling the troop that has been on their tail from the very beginning. the whole group killed the other men around the front of the mansion and hid, some of them even pretended to be one of the guards they had killed so that people on the inside would not suspect because they had already replaced and killed most of Emerald's Men.

"We're in boss," Off said expressionlessly on the other line while pulling the daggers on the neck of his victim who was splashing his blood, he looked at Ohm and Kao who also has their target on the ground spilling their blood. Again Kao and Ohm signaled their troop at the back of the mansion to clear the area after they hid, like Mew's group did some of them also replaced the men who were in in-charge to look after the back of the mansion.

"Good, stay there look around and make sure no one could see any of you, like what we plan to wait for the others to arrive at their position," Mew said still waiting for the others to report.

"On position boss," Mean said after climbing to the mansion rooftop.

"Copy that, now stay and wait," after a couple of minutes only gulf's team is not yet reporting Mew was a bit nervous now but still waiting and trusting his lover.

"Sorry, we're in now the way is a bit confusing from what we really expect," Gulf said making Mew and the others sight freely. Mew compost himself preparing to command their next move.

"Good, now proceed to our next plan make sure to not yet make any movement that could alarm them. Look for Gulf's mother and sister together with Uncle Jerome's Wife, make sure they're safe remember to take them out of the place before making an unpleasant movement," Mew ordered and give everyone a go signal.

In just a few more minutes everyone does their job but unfortunately, their opponent finds it earlier than they expected Each of them finally has their opponent...


"They are in, proceed to the next plan remember don't touch Gulf, the boss wants him alive," Guy who was on his computer said in a serious tone.

"don't say it to me I'm not interested in that bitch say it to him," the woman says to the person who was looking at the CCTV footage. 

"don't worry just ruining his face what I will do, I will keep him alive till the boss command us to kill them all," the petite man says smirking.

"Hey, count me in no fair," a woman said pouting.

"the two of you really hate him aren't you?" Another woman says on their back.

"of course, he stole what should be mine," the petite man said looking at Gulf's face on the screen.

"because of him, I lose my dignity and my family disowned me," the woman who want to join the petite man said.

"stop that get on your position they are starting to make a move,"  a man who just came in said and shut the door with a bang everyone shook their heads and start to move.


"sweetheart wakes up please," Chaisee said tapping Hazel's body.

hazel woke up little by little until "M-mom, what happened?" she ask groggily remembering what happened before she lost consciousness. she looks around only at the woman who she grow up with. she crawl towards the woman and slowly woke her up.

"Ma, Mama wake up it's me, Hazel," said tears escaping her eyes and she felt the warm hands rubbing her back she look in the direction of the said person and lay her head on her shoulder.

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