Chapter 45 Behind the scene

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Gulf POV

"Your mom is alive and my mom kept her under the mansion..."

My world stopped at the news that I am hearing, I NEVER thought the person that I am mourning for a decade is still alive and being captive. How come I didn't find out about this? is it because I was too focused on finding my sister that's why I forget about my own parents?

"babe, babe, Gulf hey, hey baby look at me," I was taken back at the person who was shaking me with a worried face, I look at him and didn't know what to do or say.

"you ok? calm down first," Mew said but I didn't respond to him I felt his mother come beside me and rub my back, Mew, on the other hand, held my hands tightly.

"What do you mean?  I didn't know about this," I heard Uncle Jerome say in shock.

"Sorry uncle but, Hazel want me to keep it a secret she was afraid that you would come here in a rush. She doesn't want Gulf to Go there with a weak body she knew what kind of hardship Gulf had unlike her she was taken care of by you, uncle Jerome together with your wife, the both of you treat her as if she was your own child but Gulf... he suffered a lot before he had a chance to escape then he started to the bottom of the mountain to the top making his health weeker than usual, everyone here knows that. Even though Tul's father is also has a huge influence on the underworld Gulf didn't take that much help from his friend's father, that's why Hazel didn't rush everything," 

"is my mother ok?" I shortly said.

"... To be honest she is not that fine she was also in a coma for a long time but a year ago she gains her consciousness, and that's when I made a move but she was not talking to anyone. My conscience is killing me I am not as bad as my mom so I took care of her behind my mother's back. Then I met your sister and destiny slowly made its move for your family, I hired your sister as one of my maids then slowly gave her a lot of access that including your mother's cell then a few months ago I assigned her to be the one who will take care your mother because I was going abroad but that's not what it was really is I grab all the opportunity to do my job, and that is to get close to you Mew,"

"When did hazel know where Gulf is?" Mew asks in a serious tone.

"The time he transferred to your school, Hazel was about to ask for your help to find Gulf that's why I need to be close to you, but suddenly a group of men came to your school mysteriously so we dig some info about them but only simple info is what we get but after some time we confirmed he was the one who we are looking for after seeing the duality of them," I don't know why but I could talk as if my soul left my both but my mind was still working.

"Duality?"  mom Rose ask.

"Yes, as you may know, Gulf, Krist, and Tul were tailed by our men secretly they saw how to do their work. Tul was seen by my men killing the man at a dark alley who was following Gulf before they separate their way then Krist it was reported that every time he walk away from Tul and Gulf he will surely going to kill someone which is part of his job as Gulf's first protector. last but not the least Gulf even though Tul and Krist were protecting him it was still not enough because at night some men are intruding his house and tried to kill him but he was too skillful to beat them all," Their men are good at that point since we didn't notice them even once.

"Then is it also a coincidence that you are one of Mew's personal doctors?" I ask slightly recovered  

"Nope, like what I said earlier your sister is my new boss and I have a mission and get close to Mew. At first, your sister wants me to ask for his help to find you but then after knowing you're at his school we change our plan. My new goal is to keep an eye on you then I notice that all of you are getting close to each other, so I use one of my trusted friends to know what is the thing between the two of you, I guess Mew will never forget my friend... his name is Fiat" He said so I was confused at first but realize that it was the birthday guy who asks for pictures with me and I used Mew to escape to it.

"WHAT?!!" Fluke, Earth, and Gun said in unison, while Tul and Krist facepalmed. I also can't believe it.

"then what happens next is you make sure that you will be the one I will call when Gulf needed to be checked do you also send the report of his medical to his sister?" Mew said and Jeric nodded.

"I see so from the very beginning your sister is controlling us behind the scenes," Mew's dad said in a proud tone.

"well dear, we could say that both of them are doing great it was after all our best friends daughter and son," mom Rose and Dad Thara, and uncle Jerome agree.

"I want to get them now," I said in a serious tone.

"No, Gulf we need to make a plan before coming there," Jeric said and I was about to speak when Mew interfere.

"then we will make one as fast we could," It was shocking I thought he would disagree with what I said since he was so overprotective.

"well, what the rush son?" Dad Thara ask

"Everything is clear now, plus if we make a slow move Gulf would suffer from overthinking and anxiety," he said and look into me.

"why don't you get some rest first? your uncle Jerome just came here and also a lot of things happen earlier..." he said and look at the door where my father is staying then I remember what happened earlier I felt so happy, but at the same time sad because of what I heard about my sister and mother. 

"OMY Gulf you look so pale go have some rest, and you young man we will talk about your plan after getting some rest Gulf was already taking for today," mom Rose commands.

"babe, need someone to look into you?" Mew ask and I shook my head and rested on his shoulder I felt dizzy so I need rest.

"we'll have a meeting at 7 in the evening," Mew said before carrying me up to our room, I heard everyone agree but didn't mind them all.


(at our bedroom)

"you should have said something when you feel not good in the future baby," Mew said caressing my face I only nodded. I buried my head in his chest and my tears escape.

"shh... Don't cry I promise we will take them out there as soon as possible," he assured me.

*Knock Knock* 

"who's that?" he asks.

"it's us Mew Sammy and Jeric, " Sammy said. I look at Mew in confusion.

"I promised it's not me who sent them," he defended himself so fast.

"come in," I said still hugging my boyfriend, I somewhat don't like the idea of him leaving beside me for now.

"Sorry, but auntie Rose ask us to draw some blood from you and run some tests," Sammy said I, and Mew was confused.

"why?" Mew asks.

"We actually don't know but we will if you will let us," Jeric said.

"I think your mom is overprotective since she saw Gulf earlier in a bad condition, you know that she treats Gulf as her son too," well Sammy has a point and maybe mom Rose knew that Mew and I will bring back her best friend soon so she wanted me to be in perfect shape.

the process took a little time, Sammy is the one who took my BP and draw some blood while Jerric do some sessions since he was one of the psychiatrists that are assigned for my depression and anxiety. I didn't let Mew leave the room or my side he was there sitting beside me while the two doctors do their job.

"The test of the blood will come out in a few days since the lab will be on the other island," Sammy said.

"your test is fine as usually a little panic attack earlier but it was not bad like the first time we did the session," Jeric said.

"thank you," I said.

"thank you, have a rest we will have a meeting later," Mew said. 

After a while, both of us took a nap in each other's arms...



hello everyone good afternooN and have a nice day ANOTHER update for a week please take care of your health always love your my blossoms muahh...


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