Chapter 28 Play with the Beasts

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Hello everyone so if I didn't say what was their Parents name here is the list sorry😅

Mew's parents
Mr.Thara Suppasit
Mrs. Rose Suppasit

Gulf's parents
Mr. Chaiya (Victory) Kanawut
Mrs. Chaisee (innocent) Kanawut

Well, P'Mew's parents were made by me where I got the Thara from tharntype and Rose is second to my favorite flower while Gulf's parent's name came from google I searched some Thai name that I loved same with the meaning of it.

I also don't know why to explain it 😂


Mew sat the tray at the bedside table and slowly lay on the side of Gulf, he caressed Gulf's nose and smile when he saw Gulf turning around wrapping his arms towards Mew's waist.

"Babe, wake up you need to eat breakfast," Mew said lovingly but Gulf pouted while his eyes were closed, he was so cute when he buried his face in Mew's Chest.

"Come now my sleeping beauty wake up and eat some breakfast after that you can sleep again you need to eat it was prescribed by your doctor," Mew rubbed Gulf's hair.

"Hmm... I am so tired..." Gulf said with red ears and Pinkish cheeks Mew chuckled at Gulf's cuteness.

"And why is my baby become so tired hmm?" Mew was teasing his baby that was now looking at him with furrowed eyebrows and puff cheeks, Mew laughed loud and Gulf's color become redder.

"Ohh you ask me why,... Well because someone turns me too... It so tiring to play with a beast at night," Gulf said and turn around and he smiled hearing Mew was laughing so hard.

Mew control himself from laughing and wrapped his arms towards Gulf's waist inhaling the scents of it through his neck and said.

"Why not try to play with the beasts First thing in the morning," Mew said with a grin on his face. Gulf blushed to see his handsome Boyfriend but he needed to push him away so that he can save his now swelling ass.

"No, I will not going to sacrifice my poor ass just to play first thing in the morning," he said and covered his whole body to the duvet. Mew was still adoringly gazing at his lover and said "Ok, ok you will not but you need to get up or I will do it for real,"

Under the duvet, Gulf was listening and his eyes widened hearing what Mew said he then pull off the cover and look at his boyfriend and said, "Can you help me get up?" He asked adorably, Mew was so done so he kissed him and nodded he then support Gulf so that he can sit up.

"I made you this breakfast and I also got you your favorite drink, after you eat make sure to drink this painkiller so that you will feel fine," Gulf nodded at him, he then got his sweater and put it to Gulf since Gulf was not wearing any top only his boxers.

"Did you already eat?" Gulf asked.

"Yeah, while I was cooking yours," Mew asked but he saw the sadness on Gulf's face so he asked. "Why wearing those sad eyes?".

"Well I want to eat with you, but it's ok can I ask why you eat first?" Gulf asked Mew to walk towards him and said. "Well, I was planning to prepare the bath while you were eating so that we can take a bath after so that we can feel relaxed before coming down plus I am sure that it will ease your ass pain," Gulf blushed but nodded then Mew stand up and walk inside of their Bathroom where you can see the forest put there since half of the wall was tinted windows from outside.

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