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10 years ago on Naboo, 33 BBY..

You could still hear the celebrations going on outside. You were kneeling down on one knee in the very room where you and Obi-Wan had met with Master Yoda. He had once again summoned you and only you. Yoda stood next to another man you haven't met before, but you did see him at Qui-Gon's funeral.

"Summoned you I have," Yoda began. "Your Master to introduced to you." 

"Hello, I am Mace Windu." your new Master introduced himself. "Starting today, I will be your Master and you will be my Padawan. I promise to train you to be one of the finest Jedi." 

"Hello Master Windu. I'm ____ Amidala." you introduced yourself as you bowed to him. 

"Know the prophecies you do not?" Yoda asked you as you shook your head. 

"They are known as the Jedi Prophecies." Master Windu began to explain to you. "Which you and Anakin Skywalker are the ones spoken about in these prophecies. Skywalker is the Chosen One, the one who will bring balance to the Force and destroy the Sith. You are the Force Chosen, the one chosen by the Force to help bring balance with the Chosen One and help Jedi Knights maintain peace across the galaxy. And forged through the Force is a special bond, a connection, which cannot be broken between the Chosen One and Force Chosen. Together, they will bring peace and balance to the Force and bring peace to everyone around." 

You nodded your head, understanding everything explained to you. You understood the seriousness and weight of everything. It sounded scary to have all of this rest on your shoulders, yet you weren't scared. You were calm and determined. You looked up at Master Windu and Master Yoda. 

"I will not fail you, when can we start?" you asked, determination written on your face. Master Windu smiled at you. 

"I like her already." he said to Master Yoda. 


3 Years ago on Coruscant, 25 BBY...

You smiled as you ran towards your sister. Padmé opened her arms and you wrapped her in a hug. You hadn't seen her in seven years, being so busy training as a Jedi. Master Windu trained you continuously and you rarely had a break to visit her. The same goes for Anakin and Obi-Wan. You hadn't seen them since the celebration on Naboo all those years ago. You could still feel Anakin through your shared connection, but it grew weaker as time went on. You no longer could shared thoughts and you could barely feel his feelings throughout the day. You had talked to Master Windu about it and he said it was due to lack of being trained together. Both of you were becoming stronger and stronger in your individual training, but neglected training you both together. 

The Jedi Council decided it was best to continue focusing on your individual training before you and Anakin can train together. Plus you both were still Padawans with different Masters. You and Anakin could train together after mastering and honing your individual skills. 

Which you completely understood, but you still missed your friend. You often wondered how Anakin was doing and how his training was going. You wanted to tell him all about your training and the adventures you went on with Master Windu. You always hoped for a chance to see him, but it never worked out.

"It's so good to see you again. I've miss you so much." Padmé smiled at you as you both pulled away from your hug. "And you've grown so much."

You smiled at her as she got a better look at you. You were sixteen now and growing into a beautiful young lady. You wore your hair in a simple ponytail and your Padawan braid was resting on your right shoulder. You wore a light tan inner tunic underneath a deep, dark brown outer tunic. Then a black leather tabard and a belt, that was the same dark brown as your outer tunic, wrapped around your waist. You wore dark brown fitted leggings and black boots that stopped right below your knee. Your outfit was finished with a dark brown robe. (It's the same as Anakin's Jedi outfit)

Your lightsaber hung on your belt. You were about the same height as your older sister and you smiled at her as she continued to speak. "But you will always be my little sister." 

"And you'll always be my older sister, who is now Senator!" you gushed proudly as you both started to walk to Chancellor Palpatine's office. "First, Queen of Naboo and now Senator of Naboo." 

"They tried to amend the constitution so I can serve a third term." Padmé explained. 

"But popular rule is not democracy." you quoted her with a smirk. She laughed and nodded her head. 

"Yep, although I couldn't refuse Queen Jamilia's request of me serving as Senator." Padmé said. Before Padmé's second term had ended, you decided to completely step away from your position as Princess of Naboo. The council on Naboo tried to convince you not to, in hopes that you would instead step away from your Jedi duties and come back to serve as Queen of Naboo. But your training and being the Force Chosen was far more important. 

"I understand." you said as you both reached the office for the meeting you were requested to go to. "By the way, do you know what this meeting is about?" 

Padmé nodded her head. "But I think it's better if you find out with everyone present." 

You gave her a confused look as you both entered the room. Chancellor Palpatine was already waiting for you both at his desk, but he wasn't alone. Master Yoda, Master Ki-Adi, and Master Windu were waiting for you as well. "Masters." you gasped from being surprised at their presences. You bowed before walking to stand next to them. Padmé stood on the other side of you. 

"It's good to see the Amidala sisters reunited again." Palpatine smiled. "____, we have important matters to discussed with you." 

You nodded your head. "It is why we are all meeting here today?" 

"Yes, young Padawan." Master Ki-Adi answered. 

"Given your unique position of formerly being the Princess of Naboo and your political skills and knowledge." Palpatine began to explain. 

"And your growing skills and knowledge as a Jedi." Master Windu added. 

"We will like to offer you an equally unique position." Palpatine said as he glanced over at your sister. 

"We would like you to serve along side me." Padmé explained. 

"As much as I would like to serve by your side again, I cannot step away from my duties as a Jedi and the Force Chosen nor can I stop my training." you said. 

"Stop your training you will not." Yoda spoke up. "continue you will." 

"We have created a new position specifically for you." Palpatine informed. "You will serve as Jedi Senator of Naboo." 

"Jedi Senator?" you questioned. 

"While there are no rules or codes that say a Jedi cannot be a senator as well as a Jedi Knight." Master Windu explained. "There has never being a senator who was also a Jedi. Jedi are typically trained at the Jedi Temple from a very young age and usually barely remember their home planets to even serve as a senator for. But given your situation and how you began your training at a much older age, have been taught how to serve as a princess and senator, and actually served as a princess formally, you give a unique and very rare opportunity to be the first ever Jedi Senator." 

"Keep training and becoming a Jedi Knight you will. But also senator duties you will have. Difficult it may be, but strong faith in you we all have. A bridge between the Senate and Jedi you could be." Yoda further explained to you. 

"You already have the approval of Queen Jamilia and Naboo's council. Everyone has approved the idea and would like for you to be the Jedi Senator of Naboo." Padmé said to you. 

"The question is if you are willing to do it." Palpatine finished. You looked around the room. You were met with the hopeful eyes of everyone. You looked at your Master, which Master Windu gave you a reassuring nod. You then looked at your sister, who gave you a hopeful smile. You looked at the ground, taking in the information you just learned. After a moment, you looked at Chancellor Palpatine. 

"Yes, I'll be the Jedi Senator of Naboo." 

If You'll Be My Star (Anakin x Reader) BOOK TWO *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now