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"The guards just took the bags." Anakin said as he entered back into your room. You walked out of your closet as Anakin looked out your door back at the guards leaving. "Are you-" Anakin started to ask as he turned to look at you. He sucked in a breath as he looked at your new outfit.

You had just changed out of your Jedi outfit, just like you were instructed to do. You swapped out your dark brown leggings for charcoal gray ones. You wore a fitted white long sleeve and over that, a turtleneck high-low coat. The front of the coat stopped mid-thigh while the back of it was just a few inches above the ground. The shoulders were slightly pointed. The sleeves and collar were light gray and formed an upward point on the chest of the coat. The collar was buttoned together as well. You still wore your black boots and belt. Your hair was done up in a braided crown, but your Padawan braid still rested on your shoulder.

But that wasn't what caused Anakin to be breathless.

What made Anakin breathless was that you were wearing the necklace he had given you all those years ago. It rested perfectly on your chest. He honestly wasn't expecting that you would be wearing it. He thought it was tucked away in some drawer in your room. It looked so beautiful on you. You looked beautiful. Anakin felt his heartbeat quicken and his cheeks get hot. You had the necklace still after all this time and it made him happy beyond words.

"Are I what?" you asked him, breaking him away from his thoughts.

"A-are you.. uh.. Ready to go?" Anakin asked, stumbling over his words. You laughed softly at his flusterness.

I can't believe she is wearing it!

Anakin's voice echoed in your mind. You smiled as it was the first time you were able to hear one of his thoughts, even if it was intentional.

"Of course I am." you replied outloud to his thoughts, causing Anakin to look at you with wide eyes.

"You heard that thought?" Anakin asked, surprised. You nodded your head in response with a smile. "That means our bond is getting stronger."

Anakin smiled at you as you glanced down at the necklace and grasped it. "I have worn it every single day since you have given it to me. It still and will always mean the galaxy to me."

"It still means the galaxy to me that you wear it." Anakin said as he walked towards you. He gently took the necklace out of your hand and into his. His face was so close to yours as you peered up at him. "You look beautiful." Anakin whispered to you as he tore his gaze at the necklace and looked at you. He let go of the necklace and brushed a loose strand of hair out of your face. His hand rested against your cheek as his thumb gently rubbed your cheek. Your heartbeat faster, yet was in sync with Anakin's as he stared lovingly into your eyes. Anakin slowly leaned closer to you. You found yourself tilting your head up as Anakin used his free hand to pull you even closer to him. His lips almost touched yours before you pulled away from his embrace. Anakin's hands fell to his sides as you cleared your throat.

"I just need to put on my robe and then I'll be ready." you said quietly as you walked past Anakin. You went to your bed and grabbed the white robe that was laying out on your bed. You did your best to ignore Anakin's longing and heartbreaking feeling as you walked out of your room and left him all alone. You pushed away the gut wrenching feeling you had as a single thought from Anakin was heard.

So close and still so far


"Be safe, milady." Captain Typho said to you as the transporter landed on the dock. You had gotten up from your seat. You adjusted your hood of your white robe as it flowed with your every move. Master Windu, Obi-Wan, Padmè, and Captain Typho accompanied you and Anakin to the transport dock.

You and Anakin haven't spoken a word since the incident, not like you had the chance to anyway. Master Windu and Obi-Wan were talking to him and giving him advice and guidance.

"Thank you, Captain." you said as you turned to him and your sister. "Take good care of my sister. The threat's on you two now."

"He'll be safe with me." Padmè said with a sad smile as she looked at you. A tear escaped and ran down her cheek as you placed your hands on her shoulder. You felt a great deal of concern and sadness from her. 

"You'll be fine." you tried to reassure her. Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Master Windu had gotten up and Anakin was behind you, waiting for you.

"It's not me I worry about, ___." Padmè said. "I worry about you. What if they realize you've left the capital?"

"Well, then my Jedi protector will have to prove how good he is." you said with a smile. You felt Anakin smile behind you. "And if anything, I have a chance to prove how well trained I am." you added as you pushed aside your robe to show her your lightsaber that rested on your belt.

"Anakin." Obi-Wan called him. Anakin watched with a smile as you hugged your sister before turning to Master Windu, who was also saying his goodbye. Anakin turned to his Master's stern, fatherly look. "Don't do anything without first consulting either myself or the council."

"Yes, Master." Anakin answered before Obi-Wan turned to you.

"I'll get to the bottom of this plot, quickly, ____." Obi-Wan promised you. "You'll be back here in no time." Obi added with a smile. Obi-Wan was ordered to investigate who the bounty hunter was and Master Windu was going to conduct his own research with the Jedi Council.

"And before you know it, you can resume your Jedi training." Master Windu said with a smile. "I do miss going on missions with my Padawan."

"I miss them too." you replied with a smile of your own. "I am most grateful for everything you are doing for me, Master Jedi." you said to both Masters.

"It's time to go." Anakin said to you as the door of the transporter opened.

"I know." you replied as you gave Padmè one last hug.

"I see you soon, little sister." Padmè said as you pulled away and nodded. You turned to your Master.

"May the Force be with you." Master Windu said to you as you both bowed to each other.

"May the Force be with you." you replied as you heard Anakin and Obi-Wan say the same thing to each other. Anakin turned and grabbed the two larger bags and you grabbed the smaller one. R2-D2 was following behind you both. It was a little awkward between you and Anakin. You also felt a little fear about this journey and what was to come of it.

"Suddenly, I'm afraid." you said honestly to Anakin and you glanced one last time at the people you cared most about. You knew he was too as you turned back and looked straight ahead.

"This is my first assignment on my own. I am too." Anakin replied, all awkwardness melting away. You both looked at each other and glanced back at Artoo. "Don't worry. We have Artoo with us."

You and Anakin let out a laugh as Artoo beeped.

Obi-Wan and Mace Windu watched as their Padawans and droid walked away to the transporter they were to take. You and Anakin slowly blended into the crowd as they stayed on the transporter.

"I do hope he doesn't try anything foolish." Obi-Wan thought out loud.

"I would be more concerned with her doing something than him." Windu replied as both Jedi Masters returned back into the transporter and the doors closed behind them. 


I've made a Spotify playlist of songs that make me think of Anakin and the reader. These are all often songs I would listen to as I write. I've added a link for anyone interested in listening! Just copy and paste or let me know if there is any troubles with it! I will also post it on my profile in my bio!

Let me know what you think of it if you listen to it! Or message me/leave a post on my profile of any songs that make you think of Anakin and the reader in my series! ♥️

If You'll Be My Star (Anakin x Reader) BOOK TWO *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now