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The droid opened a canastir of that released three toxic centipede-like creatures into your room. They fell gently on your floor and slithered their way towards your bed, where you were still sound asleep. They didn't trigger the laser system R2 has set up. They made their way up your bed and R2 woke up. Feeling a disturbance in the Force that surrounded you, you too woke up. R2 beeped as you sat up and looked around. The toxic creatures had stopped and camouflaged with your blankets. R2 turned on its flashlight and looked around as well.

"See anything?" you asked the loyal droid. R2-D2 hummed in response and you relaxed a little. R2 shut down again as you snuggled back into your blankets. You glanced around one last time, still uneasy as sleep took over once again.

The creatures made their way towards you again, getting dangerously close to your neck.


"And besides, you're generalizing." Anakin stated to his Master. He and Obi-Wan were talking about you and how Anakin needed to be careful around you; not only as a fellow Jedi, but as a politician as well. Obi-Wan told Anakin that senators shouldn't be trusted and that included you. Even though you were a Jedi and considered a dear friend, Obi-Wan was still wary from his past experience with senators. But Anakin knew you, you were completely different from politicians and other Jedi.

"The chancellor doesn't appear to be corrupt." Anakin also pointed out.

"Palpatine is a politician. I have observed that he is very clever in following the passions and the prejudices of the senators." Obi-Wan said.

"I think he's a good man. My--" Anakin said when both Obi-Wan and he felt a disturbance in the Force. Anakin quickly turned around and looked towards your room.

"I sense it too." Obi-Wan said worriedly as he and Anakin ran to your room. Anakin rushed in first and ignited his lightsaber. The blue saber slashed the two toxic creatures crawling by your head as you woke up from Anakin jumping onto your bed. You let out a gasp you quickly sat up. You looked up and saw the third creature crawling by Anakin's foot. You used the Force to get your lightsaber off of your desk and into your hand. You ignited it and slashed the creature crawling near Anakin's foot. He looked down and back at you. Anakin's worry was strong and was all you felt through your connection.

"I'm okay." you said as Obi-Wan noticed the droid outside your window. He ran towards it and crashed through your window and dangled off of the droid as it tried to escape.

"Stay here!" Anakin exclaimed to you as quickly got up. You and Anakin clipped your lightsabers to your belt.

"Like stars I will!" you said back as you ran out with him. You both ran past Padmè and the security.

"___!" Padmè called out to you as you ignored her and the security guards and ran out to the cruisers and speeders.

"You'll get in a lot of trouble for not staying behind." Anakin pointed out.

"I don't care about that." you replied. "I much rather catch this assassin myself than sit around and wait."

Anakin smirked at your response and you gave him a questioning look. You both hopped into a yellow speeder, Anakin taking the pilot seat as you took the passenger. There was an empty bench seat behind you both for Obi-Wan when you and Anakin caught up to him.

"I didn't expect the Jedi Senator to have such a feisty, rebellious side." Anakin laughed as he started the speeder.

"Perhaps there are many things you don't know about me." you said with a smirk as Anakin took off.

"Then I would like to get to know the things I don't know." Anakin smirked back. Every passing second, every word spoken between you two, you felt the Force Connection getting stronger. You felt Anakin's playfulness of the conversation and his seriousness. He was serious about getting to know you again, to be as close as you both once was.

If You'll Be My Star (Anakin x Reader) BOOK TWO *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now