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Anakin watched your figure walk away. You were going to your room by yourself. He continued to watch you while Obi-Wan went to go talk to Captain Typho. Jar Jar and Padmé followed behind him as Anakin remained in his place. Anakin let out a soft sigh, as he didn't want this to be the circumstances he would be reunited with you. He slowly walked towards the group.

"I know I'll feel better having you here." Captain Typho said to Obi-Wan. "I'll have an officer stationed on every floor and I'll be in the control center downstairs." 

Obi-Wan and Captain Typho continued to walk towards the elevator as Jar Jar, Padmé, and Anakin stopped walking. "Mesa busten wit happiness seein yousa again, Ani." Jar Jar said kindly to the Padawan. 

"She hardly even recognized me, Jar Jar." Anakin said as glanced over at you. You went into a small hallway leading to your room and he could no longer see you. Padmé gave Ani a sad smile as he continued to talk. "I've thought about her every day since we parted and she's forgotten me completely. All while our Force Bond withered away to almost nothing.." 

"She's happy." Padmé spoke as she glanced over to where you had went. "Happier than I've seen her in a long time." 

"You're focusing on the negative, Anakin." Obi-Wan said as he walked to the group. "Be mindful of your thoughts. She was pleased to see us." he added with a small smile. "Now, let's check the security." 

Obi-Wan and Jar Jar walked away as Padmé and Anakin stayed back for a second. Padmé looked at Anakin, getting his attention. 

"She.." Padmé started, as if she wasn't sure if she should say what she was going to say. But she decided to away. "She thought about you every day too, you know. ___ often stayed up late most nights, trying to get to you through your shared connection. She most definitely did not forget you." 

Padmé gave him a tightlipped smile as Anakin took in what she said to him. Padmé excused herself and went to her room. Anakin looked at the ground before walking to where his Master had went. 


You closed your door and leaned against it. You closed your eyes as you tried to relax yourself. Being around Anakin. Seeing him again in person. Hearing his voice and the way he was devoted to protecting you. The looks and quick glances. All from that single meeting with him. 

It was intoxicating. 

You felt yourself already missing his presence, his protectiveness of you. The thought of walking out of the room just to go talk to him again did cross your mind. 

But you took a deep breath and thought against it. You needed to control your feelings and thoughts better than this, after all they betray you. Just like you were taught. You made a commitment to the Jedi Order. 

You heard a familiar chirp and you opened your eyes. You saw R2 chirping happily at you in front of you. You smiled at the loyal droid. "You're right, R2. I just need some rest after today." you said. R2 beeped in response. You looked around your room, feeling something off about it. You noticed there were cameras set up in the corners in your room. A few in various other places to cover the areas that the corner cameras couldn't. 

You sighed, as they were being a bit extreme with the protection. You looked back at R2. "I think I need more privacy. Force, I'm just going to bed." 

R2 chirped in response as you let out a soft laugh. "That isn't a bad idea." you said. 

You used the Force to tilt the cameras up. You then went around and covered them with a towel. You let out a breath of relief, feeling more comfortable now. You took over your robe and laid it on your desk chair again. You unclipped your lightsaber from your belt and placed it back on your desk. You contemplating changing into something more comfortable, but then decided to stay in your Jedi outfit. It would be better to stay in your Jedi outfit, just in case you were needed for something. But you undid your hair from the bun it was in and braided it down your back, leaving your Padawan braid out. 

You stretched as you glanced over at the door. You felt Anakin's anxiety and getting antsy being away from you. You did feel like the connection was getting stronger, but it wasn't strong enough to let him know you were okay. 

"In time." you said to yourself as you crawled into bed. "R2, please keep an eye out for me and alert anyone if you need to." 

R2 bleeped in agreement as sleep took over. 


Captain Typho has more than enough men downstairs. That's enough to scare any assassin away." Obi-Wan said as he entered the living area again. Anakin turned away from watching the area where your room was and walked over to Obi-Wan. "Any activity up here?" 

"Quiet as a tomb. She's asleep." Anakin replied. He knew you were asleep, because he felt the peacefulness of it from you. But it did nothing to ease his anxiety. "I don't like just waiting here for something to happen to her."

Beep came from Obi-Wan's communicator device and he grabbed it off of his belt to look at it. "What's going on?" Obi-Wan asked. 

"Ah, she covered the cameras." Anakin explained as he glanced back at your room. "I don't think she liked me watching her." 

"What is she thinking? Surely, she knows better from her training?" Obi-Wan said as he walked over to the hallway. 

"She programmed R2 to warn us if there is an intruder." Anakin answered. 

"There are many other ways to kill a Jedi Senator." Obi-Wan said. His voice could be heard in your room, where you were sound asleep. You were drained from the events of today and were in a deep sleep. 

"I know, but we also want to catch this assassin don't we, Master?" Anakin's voice softly echoed into your room. 

"You're using her as bait." Obi-Wan accused as he walked over to his Padawan with his arms crossed. 

"It was her idea." Anakin said, knowing fully well that you just did what you wanted. "Don't worry. No harm will come to her. I can sense everything going on in that room and we have our Force Connection. 

"That isn't that strong right now." Obi-Wan pointed out. 

"Trust me." 

"It's still too risky." Obi-Wan sighed as both looked back at your room. "Besides, your senses aren't that attuned, my young apprentice." 

"And yours are?" Anakin retorted. Obi-Wan simply looked back at his Padawan. 



Anakin quickly looked away from the view of the balcony as he felt you stir in your sleep. Obi-Wan looked over at Anakin with concern. 

"You look tired." he said as Anakin placed a hand on the railing of the balcony. Although his deep concern for you and your safety weighed heavily on him, it wasn't the only thing keeping him up at night.

"I don't sleep well anymore." Anakin admitted. 

"Because of your mother?" 

Anakin slowly nodded his head before looking away from his Master. "I don't know why I keep dreaming about her." Anakin explained further. 

"Dreams pass in time." Obi-Wan said as he walked to stand on the balcony with Ani. 

"I'd much rather dream about ____." Anakin said, changing the uncomfortable subject. "Just being around her again is... intoxicating." 

"Be mindful of your thoughts, Anakin. They betray you." Obi-Wan reminded. "You made a commitment to the Jedi Order, a commitment not easily broken. And don't forget, she is a fellow Jedi." 

"She's not like the others. We are not like the others. We are bound together by the Force because she is the Force Chosen and I am the Chosen One, Master." 


Anakin's and Obi-Wan's voices was lightly heard in your room, but no one awake heard the conversation. You were still sound asleep and R2 had shut down for the night as well. R2 rested on the other side of the room and faced you. 

All was quiet. 

Even the droid device that had opened your window with a green laser. 


I cannot thank you all enough for all of the love and support on my story!! I am so grateful that you enjoy my story and always so excited for the next update! Thank you and I hope you enjoyed this chapter just as much ♥️

If You'll Be My Star (Anakin x Reader) BOOK TWO *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now