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"Foolish you were." Yoda rebuked you. "Wrong to follow the assassin you were."

It was the following morning and you were in hot water for disobeying the guards and following after the assassin. You were currently standing in the middle of the Jedi Council room and they were all meeting with you about the situation and your behavior. Obi-Wan and Anakin were supposedly going to meet with the council after you. You hadn't seen them since you got back to your apartment.

Not wanting to have another death ride, Obi-Wan had piloted the speeder back to your apartment and Anakin insisted on sitting in the back with you, as protection of course. During the entire ride back, Anakin held your hand tightly. Every once in a while he would rub the back of your hand with his thumb. It seemed more so to reassure him that it was for you. You felt fear from him. He was scared of losing you. He was also angry that the assassin died in your grasps and the one who killed the assassin got away. You knew words couldn't calm down his spiral of emotions. So you simply rested your head against his shoulder and gave his hand a squeeze, silently telling him that it's okay. The ride was silent the rest of the way back.

Once you had arrived, Padmè, Captain Typho, and a few other guards whisked you away from Anakin. You understood their concern about you and were checking to see if you were injured. You didn't answer their millions of questions or listen to their lecture as they reprimanded you for joining the chase. You stayed quiet as you kept your eyes on Anakin until you couldn't any longer. You felt the safest being with him. Maybe it was because of the Force Connection forged between you and him. Master Windu did explain that sometimes people with a Force Connection may have a want of being together. This is mainly due to the fact that the powers of the two within a Force Connection will become stronger and amplified if their bond becomes stronger. But all information about a Force Connection was very limited to the Jedi texts. Maybe it was because you missed him so much. You weren't sure. You just knew you wanted to be with him again.

Anakin met your eyes and continued to look at you. Both of you just wanting to be next to each other again. Anakin already missed your presence and he knew you did too. That was all you both could feel through your connection.

"I saw my chance and I took it. I am a Jedi and more than capable of protecting myself when it comes down to it." you responded, Master Windu shaking his head.

"___, young Padawan, you must understand." Master Windu started. "You are the Jedi Senator, a very important position to us and the Senate. We cannot have and do not want you to die anytime soon. You must listen and obey our orders. It is to protect you."

You nodded your head as you looked at the members in front of you. "What is the plan now?" you asked. The situation has changed, the person who wanted you dead is still out there.

"We want you to go back to Naboo, you will be safer there." Ki-Adi informed you. You let out a gasp.

"Of course, we will have someone escort you back." Master Windu added.

"Although I deeply respect you all and your decisions, I have to refuse. We have the vote coming up and I am one of the leaders in this. I cannot leave at a time like this." you argued. You remained calm, even though irritation bubbled within you.

"Must you have to." Yoda spoke as you shook your head.

"I'm sorry, but I am staying. Unless the Chancellor orders it and the voting can happen without me, I have to stay and as far as I know I need to for this vote to happen. It is my duty as Jedi Senator. And right now, I am more of a senator than a Jedi. Therefore, I need to put my senator duties before my Jedi ones, which I must add that I am not even training as one at this moment. At the end of this, I have to do what is best for the people I represent. Even if my life is on the line and I am disobeying the ones I respect the most, I will do what is right." you argued, taking every ounce of you not to yell in anger. 

"Now if you will excuse me." you said before walking out of the room. You needed to leave before you say something that will get you further in trouble.

Master Windu looked at Yoda. The meeting with his Padawan went exactly as he had expected. Windu knew his Padawan would put everyone's lives before hers and not listening to their judgement and orders. That is why Master Windu came up with a plan and discussed it with the other council members before your meeting.


Anakin and Obi-Wan stood in the middle of the Jedi Council. Anakin felt your irritation and worried how your meeting went. He was also nervous about how his meeting was going to go. He didn't want to stop protecting you. He knew he was capable of protecting you and didn't want it to be left in the hands of someone less capable. He wanted to stay by your side and it has not even been 24 hours since you both were reunited. Anakin could barely sleep last night. Between the nightmares about his mother and feeling your need to see him, it kept him up. He still couldn't talk to you through the connection. But he most definitely felt your feelings almost all the time like before. Which made him happy because the Force Connection with you was getting stronger. But it also made him feel useless, because he couldn't go and comfort you. Padmè had made you stay in her room and guards were placed in front of the door. He couldn't go and get you. Take you back in his arms and just talk the night away. So he stay up most of the night.

"Track down this bounty hunter you must, Obi-Wan" Yoda spoke, breaking Anakin from his thoughts. But he kept his eyes on the floor, feeling sick from all of his thoughts and the lack of sleep.

"Most importantly, find out who he's working for." Windu added.

"What Jedi Senator Amidala? She will still need protecting." Obi-wan asked, still very concerned for you.

"Handle that your Padawan will."

Anakin quickly looked up at Yoda as he spoke, silently thanking the Force for allowing him to stay with you.

"Anakin," Windu spoke. Anakin looked at your Master, knowing that he would be almost as protection as he was of you. "Escort my Padawan back to her home planet of Naboo. She will be safer there. And don't use registered transport. Travel as refugees."

Hearing this made Anakin finally understand your great irritation. He knew you were not happy about this, because of your vote coming up. "As one of the leaders of the opposition, it will be very difficult to get Jedi Senator Amidala to leave the capital." Anakin pointed out. Windu looked at him with a knowing look before looking over at Yoda.

"Until caught this killer is, our judgment she must respect." Yoda said as he placed both of his hands on his cane, thinking back to the words you said. The council did not want to exactly tell Obi-Wan and Anakin what you had said, because it wasn't exactly necessary for their plan.

"Anakin, go to the senate and ask Chancellor Palpatine to speak with her about this matter." Windu said, ending the meeting. Anakin and Obi-Wan bowed before leaving. Anakin knew that if the Chancellor and the Jedi Council asked you to do this, then there was no way you were going to refuse then. He knew he had to speak to Chancellor Palpatine at once.  

If You'll Be My Star (Anakin x Reader) BOOK TWO *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now