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You and Obi-Wan saw the assassin make a sharp left and enter a tunnel. Anakin flew past the tunnel and continued on going straight. "Anakin, what are you doing!?" you yelled as you turned around to where the assassin went.

"He went that way!" Obi-Wan added.

"Master, if we keep this chase going any longer, that creep is gonna end up deep-fried, and, personally, I'd very much like to find out who he is and who he's working for.." Anakin answered. "This is a shortcut.. I think."

"You think, or you know?" you sighed.

"Don't worry, Princess." Anakin said with a smirk as he turned around and winked at you. You ignored the butterflies in your stomach as Anakin returned his eyes to the road. His smirk only grew as he felt your flusterness from the nickname and the blush he saw growing on your cheeks before turning around.

"I'm not a princess anymore." you scoffed as you felt your cheeks get hot.

"You will always be one to me, Princess." Anakin replied. You huffed in response, feeling Anakin's enjoyment from you being flustered.

"Focus, you two." Obi-Wan spoke, bringing you and Anakin back to reality. Anakin made a u-turn and took the shortcut.


"Well, you've lost them." Obi-Wan sighed as he crossed his arms. Anakin had pulled over the speeder when none of you could spot the assassin. Everyone was slightly irritated that you all had lost the assassin.

"I'm deeply sorry, Master." Anakin retorted as he looked down at the speeders and cruisers below.

"That was some shortcut, Skywalker." you groaned as you looked around once more.

"He went completely the other way." Obi-Wan continued off of you. "Once again you've proved--"

Anakin abruptly stood up. "If you'll excuse me." Anakin said before jumping off. Obi-Wan tried to stop Anakin, but it was too late. You spotted the assassin's speeder as you saw Anakin fall down towards it.

"I hate it when he does that." Obi-Wan sighed. You stood up too, prepared to jump when Obi-Wan grabbed you by your collar and pulled you back into the speeder. "I'll hate it even more if you did it too, ____. Come up to the front, we will catch up with my Padawan."

You sighed as you climbed up to the passenger seat and Obi-Wan took the driver's. Feeling your frustration, Obi-Wan gave you a reassuring smile as he drove off. "Patience, young Amidala."


Anakin grabbed a hold of the speeder by its front wings. The assassin turned the speeder on its side in an attempt to get Anakin off of it. Anakin held on tightly as the assassin brought the speeder upright again. Anakin got a good look at the assassin and realized it was actually a female. She took out a blaster and tried to shoot down Anakin. Anakin dodged the blasts and switched over to the wing of the speeder. The speeder was swaying crazily as Anakin managed to make his way to the top of the speeder. He ignited his lightsaber and stabbed the roof of the speeder. The assassin tried to shoot at Anakin again and he pulled away his lightsaber as he tried to dodge the attack. The wind from how fast the speeder was going caused Anakin to lose his grip on his saber. It went flying behind him.

You spotted his lightsaber and held out your hand as you caught it. You shared a look with Obi-Wan as he shook his head. You and Obi-Wan had caught up to Anakin and watched as he reached down through the hole he had made in the roof.

Anakin grabbed the assassin's hand with the blaster as he tried to get the weapon out of her grasp. They fought over it and shot at the dash of the speeder. The speeder caught on fire as it started to spin downward and ahead towards a crowd of people. The assassin tried to steady the ship and Anakin focused on holding onto the speeder. Anakin lost his grip as the ship shook. Thankfully, Anakin was close enough to the ground to roll off of the ship and land onto the ground. The speeder crashed into a statue with the assassin still inside. Onlookers murmured as Anakin got up and the assassin got out of her burning speeder. The assassin spotted Anakin and they locked eyes before the assassin took off running. Anakin quickly followed after her, determined to catch the person who tried to kill you.

If You'll Be My Star (Anakin x Reader) BOOK TWO *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now