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Three weeks ago, 22 BBY

"Are you sure you will be okay?" Master Windu asked you as you both walked over to your ship. You were going back to Naboo to discuss the plans on the voting of the Military Creation Act with your sister.

The Military Creation Act was a big topic right now in the Galactic Senate and the Jedi Council. It was proposed by the Senate to allow the Galactic Republic form an army to fight the Separatists, otherwise known as the Confederacy of Independent Systems. The Separatists were a group of star systems who wished to leave the Republic and wanted independence from the Republic. They were starting to break away from the Republic and a war was coming if nothing was done to stop it. 

However, it isn't a simple task to pass the Military Creation Act. There was the Loyalist Committee, which consisted of senators who opposed the Military Creation Act. Padmé, being one of these senators, was highly against the act. You knew why, because you were opposed to the act as well. As a Jedi you were a keeper of peace, and as one of the senators of Naboo, you understood very well that Naboo's ability to defend itself and wanting to decide its own destiny. A creation of a Republic army would a be violation of this.

But nevertheless, there was a lot of pressure on you as the one and only Jedi Senator.

You were the bridge between the council and senate. The Jedi Council entrusted you to make the best decision. The council wished to remain as peacekeepers and a last resort for protection. The Jedi are not soldiers and do not wish to serve as soldiers for this war. And frankly, there were not enough Jedi to protect the entire Republic. 

However, the Senate was a different story. Because of your heavy influence you have on many of the senators, you felt like you were being torn in two. You did opposed the act and sided with your sister and the other senators. But you also understood that it was very likely this possible war was unavoidable. So there is somewhat of a need for an army. But there is your wants and beliefs you grew up with. You didn't want to force innocent people into a war, it would be against everything you believed in. 

The senators that were for the act were very disappointed to learn that you sided with the Loyalist Committee. They desperately wanted your influence along with everyone else. They wanted your influence because you were the only Jedi Senator and all of your prior knowledge, skills, and relationships from when you were Princess of Naboo. And because you opposed it, many other senators started to oppose the act as well. 

"I'll be okay, Master." you replied as the entrance of your ship opened. "I'll return back in a few days for the voting of the Military Creation Act." 

Traveling back to Naboo to discuss senator things with your sister was something you did often. You were always gone for a few days and would return back to your Jedi duties once all of your senator duties were done. You were always very busy and carried a lot on your shoulders, especially for a nineteen year old. But you were proud of your work and did it happily. You were the Force Chosen and the Jedi Senator after all. 

"The council appreciates everything you do as Jedi Senator and as my Padawan." Master Windu smiled at you. You were about to reply when suddenly a disturbance in the Force. "___! Get down!" 

You ducked down as a blaster bolt barely missed your head. It hit the side of your ship and you turned around and saw the burn mark it left. The metal sizzled from the heat of the blast. Master Windu quickly ignited his purple lightsaber as you ignited your blue one. There was a burst of blaster bolts shot at you and Master Windu as you both blocked them off with your lightsabers. You quickly looked around and couldn't quite pinpoint the source of the shots. You missed a bolt and it grazed the side of your left arm. You hissed in pain as Master Windu turned to you. 

If You'll Be My Star (Anakin x Reader) BOOK TWO *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now