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Anakin left to go get your bags, which were still on one of Naboo's ships. You were gathering some journals and other personal belongings to take back to Naboo. Your lightsaber and Jedi robe laid on your bed with everything else you had laid out to pack when Anakin returned with your bags. As you walked to your dresser, you caught a glimpse of your reflection in the mirror next to the dresser. You smiled as you thought back to your conversation with Ani about wearing the similar outfits. You reached into your tunic and pulled out the necklace. Your smile widened as you looked down at the necklace and back at your reflection. You fixed your Padawan braid as you heard a knock on your door. You tucked away the necklace once again.

"Come in." you called out as you went back to gathering a few more items. You opened a drawer and pulled out a white fitted shirt. Padmè walked into your room and smiled at you. Her elegant blue gown flowed with every step as she made her way towards you.

"I heard the senate and the council ordered you to go back home." she said. "They knew you wouldn't listen unless you were ordered by both."

"You are correct." you replied with a slight shake of your head. "I wished I was staying here though. This vote is so important."

"Don't worry, Jar Jar and I will-" Padmè started to say when you shot her a look. "Well, I will handle it." she corrected herself. She walked over to your bed and sat on a clear spot. She watched you as you continued to gather and sort things.

"I know everything will be okay in your hands. I just still feel needed here. I know my presence and connections were a great influence for our cause." you sighed.

"Which also brought great danger into your life." Padmè reminded you and you nodded in response. "But, on the bright side, you do get to spend more time with Anakin."

Padmè gave you a suggestive look and you gave her a questioning one in return. "Why are you giving me that look?" you asked, confused but a smile made it's way upon your face.

"I don't know. Is my little sister not telling me something?" Padmè laughed. Realizing what she was meaning, you laughed too.

"There is nothing going on between us." you answered. Padmè rolled her eyes and gave you a look. This was a side of your sister that only you saw, her playful, caring big sister side. "What? Anakin and I are only friends. Nothing more and nothing less."

"But you both could be more." she pointed out. "The way he looks at you, like you are the only girl in the galaxy. As if you are all of the stars in his sky. ___, there is so much love and admiration in his eyes when he looks at you. Every girl wants a guy to look at her the way Anakin looks at you."

"Sister." you said sternly. "You know the Jedi Code."

"I do know, but I also know my sister. And you look at him with just as much love and admiration as he looks at you. You've never looked at someone the way you look at him, ___. I like to think I know my little sister very well and be able to tell when she is in love."

"It is forbidden to be in love." you said to her. You were feeling a mix of emotions from this conversation. You were starting to feel extremely uncomfortable about the topic, because Padmè was explaining all of the feelings you felt around Anakin. And it was wrong to feel those things. You love Anakin in a way that was forbidden. Jedi cannot be in love. And yet, here you are.

"To be in love is to be human." Padmè said quietly to you.

"I'm a Jedi. I know I am better than this." you whispered as Padmè got up and hugged you.

"Just as much as you are a Jedi, you are human as well. And these feelings are okay." she comforted you. You opened your mouth to reply, when you felt Anakin enter back into the apartment. You looked over at your closed door. Understanding what was happening, your sister gave you one last tight hug before letting you go. Anakin entered the room, empty bags in hand as he looked over worriedly at you. He quickly dropped the bags and swiftly walked over to you. He placed his hands on your shoulders and looked over you.

"Are you okay? I felt the change in your mood all the way at the ships. Did anything happen?" he asked.

"I'm okay." you replied as you grabbed his hands and brought them down to waist level. You gave them a reassuring squeeze before letting go. Your eyes never left Anakin's.

"___ was just a little sad that she cannot wear her Jedi robes for the time being. The senate and the council sent me to inform her that she must travel back to Naboo in more common Nbaoo clothing and continue to wear them until otherwise." Padmè informed both you and Anakin. Padmè gave you the look she had always given you when you both would negotiate with senators. You knew with that look that she was about to tell you the real reason why she came to your room and you had to go along with it.

"Yes. I will be less recongizable in something other than my Jedi robes." you added. "I haven't worn anything but Jedi robes since the battle on Naboo. I'm quite attached to my robes and it was just a little sad."

Anakin gave you an understanding smile. "I understand, but it will be for the best right now. You will definitely be less recongized as the Jedi Senator." Anakin said as you nodded your head.

"I must do anything to help keep me safe." you said.

"I'll have one of the handmaidens bring up the clothing Naboo has kept stored for you." Padmè told you as there was another knock on your door.

"Jedi Senator and Senator Amidala, Representative Binks has arrived." Captain Typho said through the door.

If You'll Be My Star (Anakin x Reader) BOOK TWO *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now