An Official Goodbye

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Hi everyone.

Judging by the title of this, this isn't what you all would want to hear. But this is my official goodbye to you all and this website.

My Anakin stories being stolen really did a number on me. They were my pride and joy, just like all of my other stories. Yes, my Anakin x reader stories followed the movie storylines completely with my own added scenes put into the story. But I spent so many nights watching the movies while writing or finding the scripts so I could perfectly capture the scenes, the moments, the emotions, and everything else in between for my stories. The countless hours of research I did so I could accurately incorporate the reader into the story. As if she was actually there in the movies. How many stories I read and much more research I did on the term/position I created for the reader, the Jedi Senator.

I poured my heart and soul into these stories. They were the results of my hard work, passion, and love for the stories I was telling. I wanted to share this with you all, a glimpse into the imaginary scenarios I would create in my head. Because I truly thought, "If this is an escape for me from the real world, this could surely be an escape for someone else too."

But sadly my stories were stolen by a user named sxfttargaryen, underneath a story called Daylight her page. The last I heard from a friend was that it was called Daylight. It could be different by now.

She changed some aspects of the story to pass it off as her own. Like it is not a x reader story, it is an OC story. Windu is not the Master training her OC, it is Plo Koon. Anakin and the OC do not have a force bond.

However, it is still my story being stolen. There is no denying it when you read our stories side by side. The added scenes were perfectly matched to mine, like the scene where the reader and Windu were attacked by blaster bolts and Windu protected the reader as she escaped back to Naboo in the second book. The OC is a Jedi Senator, the former Princess of Naboo, everything that I wrote the reader to be in the story.

I can go on and on about it. But like I mentioned before, there is no denying that this story is a stolen version of mine when compared.

I have tried everything in my power to get the story taken down. I tried reaching out to sxfttargaryen, asking her to take the story down because she is stealing it from me. But she blocked me in return. I and you all have reported the story. But Wattpad wants me to take actual legal action against the story. Which obviously cannot happen, because at the end of the day my stories are Star Wars fanfictions. And I do NOT have any copyright to Star Wars. I tried to reach out to Wattpad about it and expressed my frustration and desperation, but only received automated emails about how I need to file a legal action request and go through the court system basically.

I did everything I could and it was not enough.

The story is still up as of the posting of this message.

I know I am a writer, but words cannot fully express depression, hurt, anger, uselessness, devastation, and so many other emotions I felt and still feel. It was so bad that I was physically ill for a couple of days after finding out that my stories were being stolen. It honestly made me lose my passion for writing. It still makes me sick to my stomach to this day. The heartache I am still feeling as I still work through this all.

I actually moved to Wattpad after my stories were being stolen from the previous site I was using and being published on Wattpad. Back then Wattpad was understanding and took down the story and account. And the account made another one and publicly apologized to me. It was resolved quickly and nicely.

But things are different now.

I refuse to continue to write fanfictions or republish the rest of the chapters of my Anakin stories and my other stories if my work is only going to be stolen and I have to be forced to stand by and let it happen.

Therefore, this is the end of my writing career. Permanently? I do not have the answer to that right now. I've always wanted to write a novel series like Harry Potter or Hunger Games. Maybe one day that will come true. What I do know is that I no longer have the passion to write anymore. I hope one day I might get that passion I had back.

But for now, this is the end and this is my official goodbye to you all. I have to do what is right for myself and protect my peace and what I can protect with my stories. I will no longer be active on Wattpad, but I will still leave this account up with what is published as of now. The chapters posted are my proof that it is my stories being stolen, so they will stay.

I'm sorry it has come to this. I know as greatly as it has affected me, you all are just as affected by it too. I know my decision to leave will upset or anger some, but I am doing what I believe is best.

I am sorry. This is definitely not how I wanted things to go. I hope you will understand my decisions.

Thank you all, the fans/readers that have been here since the beginning or the new fans/readers that read my Anakin x reader stories for the first time, for all of the love and support you have given me and my stories. Thank you for all the messages of encouragement during this time. It truly means so much to me and I will forever be grateful for you all.

Just thank you from the bottom of my heart ♥️

May your futures be filled with happiness and good health. You all continue to shine brightly in this world.

With much love and gratitude,


If You'll Be My Star (Anakin x Reader) BOOK TWO *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now