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"I'm taking an extended leave of absence." you said to Jar Jar in the living area of your apartment. Padmè was standing next to him and you were in front of them both. You were still in your Jedi outfit, but the handmaidens were putting your other clothing in your room. Anakin was waiting in the hallway outside of your room. He was gazing out the tall windows of the hallways.

"It will be your responsibility to take my place in the senate." you continued. Hearing this, Anakin looked over to you three. He felt your bubble of frustration grow. He knew finally talking to Jar Jar made reality set in. All of the hard work you put in for this vote, only to have someone else take your place. "Representative Binks, I know I can count on you and Senator Amidala."

"Mesa honored to be taking on dissa heavy burden. Mesa accept this with muy, muy humility and uh--" Jar Jar said, trying to sound formal and grateful. You and Padmè grinned at the Gungan.

"Jar Jar," you interrupted, "I don't wish to hold you up. I'm sure you have a great deal to do and my sister needs to brief you on everything."

"Yes, come Representative Binks. Jedi Senator Amidala has a great deal to do as well." Padmè added.

"Of course. Miladies." Jar Jar said. Padmè and Jar Jar bowed to you before turning to walk away, most likely to go to Padmè's office. You turned and met Anakin's stare as you walked over to him, growing more and more unhappy with each step you took. Anakin sent a reassuring, calming feeling through the connection. You immediately calmed down, but still felt irritated.

"I don't like this idea of hiding." you stated as you walked passed him and into your room to finish packing.

"Don't worry. Now that the council has ordered an investigation, it won't take Master Obi-Wan long to find this bounty hunter." Anakin reassured you. You didn't look at him as you went to the rack of clothing that was in your room now. You glanced at various patterns or outfits that caught your eye and took them off of the hangers.

"I haven't worked for a year to defeat the Military Creation Act and put my senator duties before my Jedi ones to not be here when its fate is decided. I went to more senator meetings than Jedi missions than I would have liked to." you said sternly as you turned around and looked at Anakin. You both didn't break eye contact as you folded and tucked the clothes away in your bags.

"Sometimes we must let go of our pride and do what is requested of us." Anakin wisely said. With that one sentence, you felt your frustration melt away. You looked at your clothes as you thought about what Anakin said. He was right, there wasn't truly a reason to be so frustrated when you are doing what is asked of you. And that's what you exactly did this past year. You had more pressing matters in the senator area of your title than your Jedi. And it wasn't like you didn't completely stop your Jedi training until recently. The senate and the Jedi Council made sure you were still training and honing your Jedi skills until the assassination attempts. Being the Jedi Senator allowed you to build better and stronger connnections with other senators and the Jedi Council members. Something that most likely wouldn't have happened if you were away on missions.

So yes, all of your hard work for this vote was now in the hands of someone else. But so many were working hard to capture your assassin and get you out of harm's way. You let out a soft sigh and released all of your frustration. It wasn't the Jedi way to hold on to such negative feelings anyway. You looked back at Anakin with a small smile on your face.

"Anakin, you've grown up." you complimented. The Anakin you met on Tatooine would have told you to stay and do what you wanted, not share this wise advice with you. You turned and walked back to the rack of clothes, needing to get a few more outfits.

"Master Obi-Wan manages not to see it." Anakin commented. This time, a bubble of anger grew within Anakin. You sucked in a breath as you projected calm feelings through the Force Connection. It was your attempt to calm Ani down just as he did for you. Anakin did try to calm down, to soak in the calmness you sent to him, and become calm. But the anger that grew in him was a raging fire that consumed every other feeling, even the calmness from you. Feeling ashamed for this raging anger and knowing fully well that you felt it as well, Anakin walked away and stood in front of your bedroom windows. He didn't have the heart to face you. He picked up the practice ball that was laying on your windowsill. It was used to train your ability with the Force. You watched him as he used the Force to make the heavy ball float like a feather in the air. You walked back over to your bag and packed the clothes. You still projected calmness to him, but the anger was still there and not settling.

If You'll Be My Star (Anakin x Reader) BOOK TWO *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now