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This was the image I used/inspired the reader's outfit as described in the last chapter and what she will be wearing for this one

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This was the image I used/inspired the reader's outfit as described in the last chapter and what she will be wearing for this one. Obviously, minus the necklaces in the image and with the necklace Anakin gave the reader and a white robe similar to the reader's Jedi brown robe.

I will be doing a lot of outfit changes, therefore would you all like to see the image inspiration for each outfit at the beginning or end of the chapter? Would you guys even like to see the images? Please let me know!

Of course you can imagine your own if you want! I just thought it would be nice to share what I used for the story and if you guys are interested in me continuing to do so.

Also all credit goes to the creator of this image/drawing!

I hope you enjoy this chapter! It is double the usual length I write , because I couldn't stop writing and believed what is covered shouldn't be divided up


You and Anakin walked onto the transporter that was heading to Naboo. One of the workers kindly took the bags from you and Anakin before you both entered. Artoo silently followed behind as you glanced over at Anakin. He was rubbing his eyes in a tired manner and you were worried if he was getting enough rest.

Anakin pushed you in front of him as you both walked through the crowd of travelers and refugees. You found a less crowded spot and walked over to it. It had a makeshift bed and a small makeshift table and two stools. Perfect for you three. You looked over at Anakin.

"You should get some rest, Anakin. You look very exhausted. Have you even been sleeping?" you asked worriedly. Anakin looked a little uncomfortable about the topic and you didn't want to pry. But you were very worried about his health.

"I haven't been sleeping well.." Anakin trailed off, not wanting to get into his nightmares. He didn't want to appear weak or make you worry even more, Especially when it's your life that is in danger and he was just having nightmares.

"It's okay, Ani." you said as you placed a comforting hand on his arm. "You don't have no to talk about it. But please rest now."

"But if-" Anakin started to argue, but stopped when you gave him a look. Anakin knew there was no point in arguing with you. He moved his hands up and fixed your hood that had slightly fallen back. "Okay, I will. But promise me that you'll wake me up if anything happens or if you need me?"

"I promise." you said as Anakin gave you a small smile. You returned the smile as he walked over to the bed and laid down. You kept a watchful eye on him as he got comfortable and closed his eyes.


"If you want food, please line up here." a droid announced. You all have been traveling for quite some time. Anakin was peacefully sleeping, which you thank the Force for. You had been watching over Anakin and had small conversations with Artoo throughout the time. You turned to said droid.

If You'll Be My Star (Anakin x Reader) BOOK TWO *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now