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Present Day, 22 BBY 

You watched as Padmé's royal cruiser ship landed on Coruscant's landing dock. You, Padmé, and R2 were in a yellow Naboo fighter ship. You were piloting the ship as Padmé sat behind you as the gunner. R2 was behind Padmé. Both you and Padmé were dressed in Naboo pilot outfits and wore helmets over your heads. Both of you exited the ship as R2 was lowered out of his spot of the ship. 

After your attempted assassination, the senate and the Jedi Council decided to push back the voting of the Military Creation Act to today. You were ordered to stay on Naboo for for three weeks and were heavily guarded. Staying on Naboo was the council's decision, but being heavily guarded was your sister's. Padmé was so worry about you and your safety. You reassured her that you were more than capable of protecting yourself, you're a Jedi after all. But still, she ordered at least two guards follow you around and stay by your side at all times. You were her little sister and Padmé would do anything to protect you. You understood that, but you still felt very bad for making her worry so much. You felt it from her every time she saw you. 

Therefore as extra precaution, Captain Typho had you and Padmé dress up as pilots, Xira would pretend to be you once again, and Cordè would pretend to be your sister. You watched as Xira, dressed in your Jedi robes and hood up, and Cordè exited the royal cruiser with a group of guards around Xira. Captain Typho walked over to you and Padmé as he took off his helmet. 

"We made it. I guess I was wrong. There was no danger at all." He said happily to you both. But you frown underneath your helmet. Through the Force, you felt like something was still wrong. Just as you thought that, the ship exploded from within. The guards, Xira, and Cordè went flying off of the ship. The ship was destroyed to pieces and you and Padmé fell to the ground from the impact. Everything was on fire and Captain Typho went to the ship as you and Padmé tore off your helmets. Your Padawan fell to your right shoulder as the rest of your hair was tied into a twisty ponytail. You both ran to Xira and Cordè, who had landed next to each other. They were heavily injured as Padmé went to Cordè's side and you did the same with Xira. 

"Miladies, I'm so sorry..." Cordè whispered as blood dripped down her chin. "I've failed you, Jedi Senator.." Cordè said as she looked at you. She went limp in Padmé's arms as you turned to Xira. 

"Stay with me, Xira." you said to her, but you felt her life energy drain from her body. 

"I've failed you too, Jedi Senator." she started to apologize to you. You shook your head at her. 

"You did not fail me. You have served me wonderfully until the end." you said to her as she went limp and her eyes closed. 

"Milady, you're still in danger here." Captain Typho said to you as he placed a hand on your shoulder and held a blaster in the other. You just stared at Xira and Cordè's bodies. They had died protecting you, someone who could protect themselves. Someone who had trained in the ways of the Jedi. Someone who was suppose to protecting others, not having others protect her. 

You couldn't help but feel at fault for this. 

"___, we need to get you out of here." Padmé said as she stood up and pulled out her blaster. You quietly stood and continued to look at their lifeless bodies. 

"I shouldn't have come back." you said as you turned to Padmé. 

"This vote is very important." she said truthfully to you. "You did your duty. Cordè and Xira did theirs. Now, come." 


Padmé and Captain Typho had taken you to Padmé's and yours shared apartment. You and Padmé had it for your long stays on Coruscant. You didn't say anything to either one of them as you walked through the living area to your room. You needed to change back to your Jedi outfit. 

Padmé and Captain Typho shared a look as they silently watched you disappear behind the corner. "She just needs time." Padmé said with a sad smile. "A lot has happened in the last three weeks and I know their deaths are hard on her." 

Captain Typho nodded his head. "Xira and Cordè proudly served you both and would do anything to ensure the safety of you and Jedi Senator Amidala. Even if it costed them their lives." 

"I can only hope ___ can understand that as well." Padmé said before excusing herself to go change in her room as well. She walked in the opposite direction that you went. 


You sighed as you smoothed over the black leather of your tabard. You took one last look in the mirror before walking over to your desk, where your robe laid over the desk chair. You looked down and saw your lightsaber resting on the desk. You frowned at it. How could you be a Jedi if you were the one needing protecting. Even your sister acted as your guard right now. 

Were you even worthy of wielding a lightsaber and calling yourself a Jedi?

Why were you even a Jedi?

You swallowed the lump in your throat as you remembered the promise you had made Anakin on Naboo. You promised to become Jedi together with him. You hadn't talked to him or felt him in the Force Bond since you saw him when you returned to Naboo. 

You reached into your tunic and pulled out the necklace Anakin had made you. You smiled softly at it as you let it hanged unhidden. You never took it off and it was a source of comfort for you. After all, it was a gift from him. A piece of him that you always carried with you.

You took in a deep breath as you grabbed your lightsaber and hooked it onto your belt. Anakin was working so hard to become a Jedi Knight and you didn't want to disappoint him either. You needed to work hard too as the Force Chosen and Jedi Senator. You need to find whoever is after you and put an end to it. They had taken three weeks of your Jedi training away from you. They had caused Xira's and Cordè's deaths. You put on your Jedi robe and tucked your necklace back in. 

You exited your room and made your way back to the living area, where Padmé was waiting for you. You both were going to go meet up with the other senators of the Loyalist Committee for the meeting with Chancellor Palpatine and some of the Jedi Council members. You were going to use this opportunity to talk to them all. You didn't need protection and you wanted to find this assassin yourself. You were more than capable of doing this yourself. You had one of the best Jedi Masters teaching you and you were skillful. 

Padmé gave you a questioning look as she saw the determination on your face, something completely different from the solemn look before. 

You were going to put a stop to this assassin. 

If You'll Be My Star (Anakin x Reader) BOOK TWO *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now