Coming Back

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Lisa POV

Our tour is finally over. Wow. I can't believe it. All the training, sweating, crying, and hard work we put in we've come to do what we love most. I was so happy to see our BLINKS from all over the world, and the experience was so surreal. Now after almost what seemed like a year we're returning back home.

We got off the plane and not gonna lie. I was pretty tired, but one thing kept my blood rushing. Someone I was dying to meet.... Y/n. After so long I can finally be able to see her, hold her...

Kiss her.

Just the thought made my cheeks heat up as my adrenaline was rising. "Eeeh. I'm so happy we're back.", I clung onto Rosé's arm.

"Aren't you tired? You look like someone who's had too much sugar.", she joked.

"Well I'm excited to see Y/n.", as soon as I said that I mentally scolded myself. Crap. I look over to Rosé who seemed a bit flustered, but smiled seconds later.

"Me too.". Ok good. She didn't think much of it.

We got in the van and made our way to the dorm, but I wanted to go YG because I can't wait to see my girlfriend. Wait. She's not my girlfriend. We haven't even started dating. I complain to myself about how I haven't managed to take her out yet, but I will. Tonight.

Rosé POV

When I heard Lisa talk about Y/n it kind of made me tense up a little. The thought of Lisa being with Y/n made me feel jealous, but knowing I'm the one she's dating got me less worried. I think about Y/n and I honestly can't wait to see that cutie.

We got back to the dorm and first think I do is make something to eat. "I'm so hungry~~~". Jennie, Jisoo, and Lisa laugh at me and tease about 'food' being the love of my life. I roll my eyes in annoyance. "So Jennie, can you please make something~", I asked or practically begged.

"No", she was about to go into her room when I looked at Lisa. She saw me staring at her and smirked knowing what to do.

"I'll cook!", Jennie suddenly froze before taking another step.

"Ugh! Really Rosé!", she gave me a glare while me, Lisa, and Jisoo laugh. "I'm only doing it because I don't want to die.", Lisa gasped from what Jennie said making me and Jisoo laugh harder.

After eating I had gone straight to sleep. Thinking that food would help me feel energized turned out to be the opposite of what I had hoped for. We didn't call Y/n because we wanted to surprise her so I guess all I can do is wait by taking a nap.

3rd person POV

Y/n went to practice today and of course she met her favorite duo, Shelly and Mae. The three went off to singing class, but had to dance as well so it was a very tiring and stressful day.

"Y/n hurry up!", Shelly was outside the bathroom waiting for Y/n to tidy up since she came in looking a little messy in the morning.

"Alright alright! I'm ready~~", Y/n came out of the bathroom wearing this.

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