without you, we are lost

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September 24th, 1976


"Could you please tell me what is going on so I can help?" Adelaide's right hand cupped Sirius's face while her left softly rubbed circles on the back of his hand. "Sirius please.."

"Did I do something wrong?" The boy whispered looking down not wanting to meet her eyes.

"Whatever do you mean?" The blonde questioned not quite understanding what he was trying to get at.

"You don't trust me."

"Ma moitié... you know that isn't true. I trust you with my life."

"Then you no longer want to tell me anything or hell, even be around me, which is almost as bad," Sirius grumbled while pulling back from her soft hands and laying flat on his back against the floor.

"What are you on about? Why would you ever think that?" Adelaide couldn't be more confused as to how her distraught friend got these thoughts in his mind, especially when they couldn't be further from the truth.

He let out a large puff of air before replying. "You've spent the past five years telling me about every single boy that has caught your eye, never missing a meal to sit with us, being the brains of our pranks, not to mention being present to see every prank play out as planned, until now. You're interested in a guy none of us have ever heard you mention, that I have never heard you mention. You skip meals and we'll go for days not seeing you outside of lessons. You haven't helped us plan a single prank or even see the ones we set up by ourselves yet this year. You're here but not present. I just- we miss you and I've been wracking my brain to figure out what I did to make you distance yourself from me...us...distance yourself from us. Things were fine over the summer so I just don't understand."

Adelaide silently took in all this information while a single tear she didn't even realize formed, slid down her cheek while staring down at her best friend. His eyes were focused on the ceiling of the common room refusing to look at her.

Have I been that distant? Sure I missed a few marauder meetings... and meals...now that I think about it I haven't really talked to the boys that much since term started. Well, I did study with Rem in the library with Lily a few days ago...but I haven't hung out with Sirius in days... much less have an actual conversation. Merlin, he's right. I've been a shit friend.

Adelaide sighed before laying down next to him. "I've been a right git, haven't I? " Sirius didn't reply. "I'm sorry, I have been so stuck in my head that I haven't focused on anyone around me. I've been such a bad friend but you did nothing wrong. You're my best friend and I'm sorry I made you doubt that. You boys are everything to me and I haven't been showing that." She turned her head to gaze at his side profile as he was still staring aimlessly at the ceiling above.

He really is perfect.

She tore her eyes away from him and looked back to the ceiling, "And about the boy... there isn't much to tell. I had a boy in mind when the thought of the dance came up and Lily is now convinced I have a crush on them... I am not sure about the whole situation. When I figure out if there even is anything to tell, you'll be the first to know."

Sirius looked at her, drinking in her soft features, "I missed you."

She turned her head to look at him upon hearing his voice, crystal blue meeting stormy grey, their eyes trained on one another. "I missed you too."

A small smile ghosted his lips and Adelaide's heart fluttered at the sight.

"I love you, mon cœur, nothing will ever change that. I forgive you for going missing but no more flaking on marauder meetings. You're a key player and without you, we are lost."  Sirius's soft look was replaced by his infamous grin, a grin that she hadn't even realized she missed.

She shot him an amused look."I love you too."

"Together?" He retorted as his smirk grew.

"Always," Adelaide replied as she slid her hand into his, lacing their fingers together.  

Both Gryffindors laid in the middle of the floor, eyes trained on one another, smiles plastered on their faces, their hands clasped together, but neither realizing the other's words alluded to more. Something a little more than friendship.

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