brotherly advice of sorts

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December 1st, 1976


"Hold still you dolt." Adelaide scolded as she threw a ball of paper at her companion.

The witch had joined her favorite fifth year in the library to study but had ultimately decided to scrap her potions assignment and begin sketching the youngest Black as he worked. Upon discovering this, Regulus had been constantly moving and holding his books obnoxiously high to cover his face in an attempt to irritate her. 

It was working.

The Slytherin laughed, "Okay, okay."

Adelaide returned to sketching the boy, "Tell me, dear Reggie, why do you look so sad?" She was pretty sure she knew the answer but she wanted him to tell her, to open up, to ask for help.

Instead, he answered simply, "I do not look sad."

Adelaide raised an eyebrow before sliding her sketch across the table so he could see it.

Regulus's face was unreadable as he inspected the drawing

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Regulus's face was unreadable as he inspected the drawing. He held it for a while, unmoving. Adelaide was about to check if he was still breathing when he finally responded.

"You are very talented," he said casually as he slid the drawing back towards her.


He finally met her eyes and gave her a small smile, "I promise I'm fine. Please don't worry about me."

Adelaide returned the smile but hers held more sadness, "I'm always going to worry. It's my job."

"Ah yes, the great protector of the Black brothers. How could I forget your very real title." The boy joked back.

As much as Regulus pretended to be the polar opposite of his brother, the two dealt with pain and uncomfortable situations in the same way; sarcastic comments.

The girl didn't crack, she only reached her arm across the table and placed her hand on top of his, "I'm not kidding, you know you can talk to me about anything right?"

The Black nodded and gave her hand a small squeeze before letting it go, "I know Ads, I know."

She sent him a genuine smile, "Good."

"Speaking of the Black brothers, how are you and the delinquent?"

Adelaide shot the boy a look but laughed nonetheless, "What do you mean by that?"

"Come on, we both know that there is a weird thing between the two of you. Even though I do believe you can do much better." He smirked at her eye roll and raised his hands in innocence, "I'm just saying."

"I mean, I don't know... there isn't anything like official going on..." She spoke slowly as if nervous about his response.

Regulus only raised an eyebrow, "And why not? I assume it isn't my brother's idea to not be anything serious, no pun intended."

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