atta boy moony

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December 31st, 1976


"Tonight is the night mates," Sirius said as he fixed his hair in the mirror.

"Elaborate please?" Peter questioned from his spot on his bed.

Remus smirked as he shined his shoes, "Adie?"

James mimicked Remus's smirk before replying smugly, "Adie."

"Ahhhhh so this is about Whiskers?" Peter replied before shooting a look at his two smirking roommates before joining in.

Sirius rolled his eyes before tossing a black ring over his shoulder which James swiftly caught. "Yes, you wankers, this is about Ads."

"And what about her, Padfoot?" James questioned as he slid the ring onto his finger.

"Tonight I'm going to finally ask her to be my girlfriend..."

The rest of the boys stopped what they were doing to turn towards Sirius, smiles slowly growing on their faces.

"What? Why are you all looking at me like that?" 

James chuckled, "About damn time."

"Only took you six years," Peter teased.

Upon noticing his third roommate's lack of reply, Sirius glanced over at Remus."Moony?" He said carefully.


"What do you think about this?"

"Think about what?" Remus asked as he inspected his newly shined shoes.

Sirius shot a quick glance at James who just shrugged, "About asking Adie to be my girlfriend..."

"I think if she says yes then you should spend the next thirty years thanking Merlin for allowing you to tell people that you are Adelaide Tanelter's boyfriend," Remus replied, not glancing up from his shoes.

"Don't worry Moons, I'll be thanking Merlin for the rest of my life."

Remus finally looked up, a grin forming on his face, "Right answer."

"Well, lads, it's about 10 are we ready?" Peter asked as he dusted off his pants.

"All set."


Sirius put on his final ring before turning towards the rest of the boys, "Let's go see if the ladies are ready, shall we?"

Sirius put on his final ring before turning towards the rest of the boys, "Let's go see if the ladies are ready, shall we?"

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The boys made their way down the hall before stopping in front of Adelaide's door.

"Okay Prongs,  knock."

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