flirtatious wins

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October 14th, 1976


The Slytherin vs Gryffindor match was finally here. The entire common room was buzzing about the party that will be thrown if they win. It's a tradition, every time they beat the snakes, the Gryffindors throw a huge rager and to most, it was one of the best parts of quidditch season.

Adelaide, who is all dressed up in her warmup gear and sitting out in the courtyards to get some alone time before the game, suddenly feels two large hands wrap around her face, covering her eyes.

"Guess who"

"Uh..... Minnie is that you?" she replied jokingly.

"You got me."

She turned around to smile at her visitor.


Regulus smiled down at her before swinging his legs over the bench to sit next to her. "How are you on this fine autumn afternoon?"

Adelaide smirked at the dark-haired boy, "I'm grand, just out here getting some peace and quiet before we destroy your snakes. How are you?"

The Black returned the smirk before replying, "I'm quite wonderful because I know we will abolish you and your lions today."

"In your dreams Black," The Tanelter girl replied before standing up and walking away. "See you on the pitch," she called out over her shoulder.

"Yes, you will Tanelter!" Regulus replied as he watched the girl walk away.



After an hour and a half long game, the Gryffindors were finally announced as the winners.

"175 to 150, that's what I'm talking about!" James cheered once as his team all flew down to the ground to celebrate their win.

"It was a tight game but you led us to victory captain," Sirius replied while slinging an arm around his friend. He looked up to see an ecstatic blonde sprinting towards James and him.

"We did it! We beat the snakes!" She squealed as she hurled herself into the two boys' arms causing a massive smile to spread across the Black's face.

The two male marauders hugged their friend, keeping her up in the air until they saw their other friends rushing across the field towards them. Once the girl was placed back on the ground, Sirius draped one of his arms around her shoulders, "You know what this means right?" Remus laughed while Peter excitedly looked at James who was sharing a smirk with Sirius before yelling out together.


Lily and Marlene instantly started speaking a mile a minute about what to wear. "Ads you HAVE to wear your new red dress, it is perfect!"

"And what will you be wearing Lilyflower?" James questioned in a flirtatious tone.

"Guess you'll just have to see.." She retorted in a similar voice.

Potter blinked, wondering if he had imagined her speaking to him without yelling, much less potentially flirting with him causing the group to burst into a fit of laughter.

"So, a red dress huh?" Sirius said as he pulled Adelaide's head in closer to him. "I've never seen you wear any red other than our quidditch uniforms or that big house jumper you stole from me back in our third year." He felt her heartbeat speed up giving him a boost of confidence as he bent down slightly and whispered in her ear. "I look forward to seeing it."

She chuckled and tilted her head to look at him, smirking, "There isn't much dress to see if you know what I mean." She whispered back before removing herself from his grasp, dragging Marlene and Lily away to go get ready.

"Bye boys! I'll see you all later!" Adelaide called out as she sent a little cheeky wink at Sirius. Then she turned her back to him and arm in arm the three girls walked off to their dorm, laughing and chatting happily.

"Okay, I must be losing my mind because not only did Lily SPEAK to me, she practically flirted with me! PLUS Whiskers totally just winked at Padfoot! What is up with these girls today?" James exclaimed to his three friends, throwing himself at Remus dramatically.

"I have no idea Prongs... but I like it and plan on enjoying it," Sirius replied, still watching Adelaide as she walked away.

Tonight. I'm going to make a move tonight.

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