the one that deserved better

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January 6th, 1977


Three-fifths of the marauders were scattered around the boy's dorm, Sirius and Peter pretending to listen to James prompt to presentation. The raven-haired boy had gotten quite bored listening to this semester's "Operation Lily Potter" plans from James, his mind constantly wandering to his witch.

His witch. His girlfriend. Sirius still couldn't believe after all the shit he pulled that Adelaide forgave him, let alone wanted to be with him.

My girl is a bloody saint.

"That's where you come in Pads... Padfoot, are you even listening?" James exclaimed as he whipped a pillow at his daydreaming best friend.

"Oi, fuck off, you wanker. I know the plan. It's the same as last year AND the year before," Sirius grumbled as he glared at his irritated mate.

James rolled his eyes, "Just because you got the girl doesn't mean you can dip on these meetings."

Sirius smirked, "Repeat that."

James raised an eyebrow, "Just because you got the girl-"

"Bingo," Sirius said with a pleased grin as he leaned back against his headboard, putting his arms behind his head.

Peter broke into a fit of laughter as James launched yet another pillow at his mate.

"A bloody menace you are," James mumbled as he tried to fight off a smile. Despite his annoyance, he couldn't help but feel happy over the fact that his two favorite people were finally in a happy place. They deserved it.

"A bloody menace that got the girl," Peter added on, earning him a fist bump from Sirius.

"Fuck off the both of ya," James chuckled.

"Where is Ads anyway?" Peter questioned.

Sirius groaned, "Not sure, somewhere with Remus I think."

James pulled out the map, landing over the map before giving a very confused look, "I mean she is in the library with Remus."

Peter glanced over at his friend, "So what is that face for then?"

"I'm just a bit surprised with who has decided to join them, that's all."

Sirius sat up, "What do you mean? Who are they with?"

James chuckled and held out the map for his two roommates, "Take a look for yourself, mates."



"I swear, if I see one more dirty look, I'll kill both of you. Do not fucking test me. You both asked for help in divination and I so graciously offered my assistance. Do not make me change my mind, I'll let you both fail." Adelaide snapped as she glared at her current companions.

Remus, who was seated across from her, groaned, "Bloody hell, I'm not doing anything. The wanker over there is the problem here."

"Moony, do not push him," The blonde warned as the boy to her right scoffed.

"I never pegged you as whiny git, Lupin. Guess I was incorrect," Regulus Black snarked in reply gaining him a glare from not one but two Gryffindors.

"Regulus." Adelaide snapped causing the younger boy to drop his shoulders slightly in shame, knowing he must have irritated her if she used his actual name instead of Reggie. The Slytherin flashed the blonde witch a small look in an attempt at a silent apology.

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