elephant in a room of lions

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November 12th, 1976


Sirius was laying in his bed enjoying the sound of Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons filling up his empty dorm when a short but loud female Gryffindor, dressed in an extremely oversized sweater, barged into the room. The girl in question huffed dramatically before throwing herself onto his bed.

"Hear me out, imagine you're a lady and get all dolled up for an artist to paint a stunning portrait. Said artists paints said portrait of you and then proceeds to name the portrait 'The Fat Lady' . And now millions of people don't even know nor care to know your name. They only know you as The Fat Lady. I'd be bloody furious. That artist was a wanker and deserves a paintbrush in the eye for his actions." The girl was practically steaming at the thought and Sirius couldn't help but smile at how she resembled a small child when they are denied candy.

"You're right, a real tosser that artist was." Sirius agreed as he looked at the girl lovingly, not that she exactly noticed.

Adelaide shuffled her body so she was now resting against him with her head on his chest. He wrapped his arm around her and softly stroked her hair. "See you get me. Remmy just looked at me like I was crazy."

He laughed, "Not everyone can be as intelligent and good-looking as we are. They are just jealous of us."

"You're right."

The two sat in silence and it was taking everything in him to not address the elephant in the room.

"Fuck it," Sirius mumbled before shifting so he was now sitting upright with his back against the headboard. Adelaide sighed and sat up and moved so she was sitting in front of him, looking at him intently. "We kissed Ads."

The girl nodded gently, "That we did."

"And it won't matter what you say, I don't and won't ever regret it," Sirius breathed out before even thinking over what his words would mean.

Adelaide shot him a questioning glance, "And you think I do?"

"I mean..."

She took this as an opportunity to climb over and sit in his lap, her bare legs on either side of him. Sirius's hands went to the girl's waist as if on instinct as hers cupped his face, forcing him to keep eye contact with her. "I don't regret anything."

Sirius felt his throat dry as he looked at the girl in his lap, "Can I be honest with you?"


"I have a strong urge to kiss you right now."

"Do it then."

With that Sirius leaned forward and captured her lips in his. He pulled her waist so she was closer to him and sighed in content when he felt Adelaide move her hands from his face to tangle her fingers in his hair. She slipped her legs around his back causing him to lean further forward into her. He slid his hands under the jumper and gripped her sides tighter to which she responded with a small gasp granting him the opportunity to deepen the kiss. Their tongues fought for dominance but she allowed him to win once she felt his hands, under her sweater, sliding up her body. The sensation of his hands against her bare skin was intoxicating and he wanted more.

It was almost as if she read his mind as she leaned back and removed the article of clothing. He took in her appearance, her chest covered by a lace white bra that complimented her naturally tanned skin, her flawless skin begging to be tarnished. So he complied. He dragged open mouth kisses down her neck but stopped when he got to the place where her neck meets collarbone. A soft moan was released from the girl causing him to press harder against her newly discovered sweet spot. Adelaide tugged on his hair which only encouraged Sirius.

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