disco ball for your body

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December 30th, 1976


The girls had finally joined Adelaide and the boys left their group whole once more.

The nine Gryffindors were currently in London enjoying the Christmas decorations that still covered the town as they searched for their New Year's outfits.

Sirius, James, Mary, and Marlene had separated from the group about an hour in due to their determination to keep their outfits a surprise.

Adelaide, Lily, Dorcas, who was currently searching through racks of dresses, had simply rolled their eyes and agreed to meet them at a corner coffee shop in a few hours.

Peter and Remus had plopped down on a sofa by the changing rooms choosing to stay with the three girls.

"Isn't this one lovely?" Dorcas asked as she held up a mid-lengthened light purple dress with a huge smile on her face.

Adelaide smiled, "Purple is your color."

"I think it's stunning Dorc," Lily replied.

Peter nodded his head enthusiastically while Remus gave her a thumbs up.

Dorcas smiled wide and skipped off to find shoes to match her new dress.

Lily chuckled, "I'm going to go look over at the green dresses," she glanced at the blonde girl next to her, "you staying here with the boys?"

Adelaide stole a glance towards her male companions. Remus and Peter were moving a sequin dress around, watching how the light reflected in colorful ways causing the girl to chuckle, "Yeah, I'll be with the boys."

Lily laughed before walking off towards another section.

"Ads, I really think you should get this dress... it's like a disco ball but for your body!" Peter said, his eyes never leaving the dress, completely hypnotized.

"Shiny..." Remus said in some sort of agreement.

Adelaide raised a brow before pulling the dress out of their hands, "And that is enough of that."

The boys whined in disappointment.

"Oh shush, come on let's go pick out your outfits."

Peter jumped up from his spot, "I want to get a new shirt!"

The blonde smiled before looking over at the werewolf that had not gotten up from his seat on the sofa.


"I'm all set in the clothing department... I've got stuff to wear," Remus replied with a small smile towards the blonde girl.

Adelaide was well aware of her friend's financial situation and his dislike to bring awareness to it.

The blonde girl was the polar opposite. Despite being disowned and losing access to her parents' fortune, Adelaide was quite rich. Her grandfather's unwavering love for her left the girl with every galleon and treasure he possessed upon his death during her fifth year.

But, in Adelaide's mind, it wasn't her money. It was shared between her and her wolfie sidekick... even if he refuses to accept it.

"Peter, I have an outfit in mind for you and I need a black turtle neck in your size. Could you go find one for me bubala?" Adelaide asked sweetly to which the blonde boy happily ran off to find the top.

"Be right back!"

Remus sighed, knowing what was to come, "Ads, I-"

"Hush up, Moony. You will be getting a new outfit, even if it is just a jumper and slacks. I will not argue with you."

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