returning home

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December 25th, 1976


Sirus Black was a man of many words. Forever walking through life with a comment ready on the tip of his tongue. From sarcastic remarks to blush-worthy sentiments, from emotionally detached phrases to anger-induced spats. It didn't matter the situation, Sirius Black always knew exactly what to say.

So you can imagine his panic when he realized he was at a loss for words. He wasn't even sure if he was actually breathing.

He watched as the blonde beauty he had been watching all night separated from her date, leaving the boy behind as she let her eyes scan the room, searching for something. What that was, Sirius wasn't sure until he watched her eyes stop on him. She didn't look anywhere else after she found him, her gaze unwavering as she began walking towards the Black. 

Remus appeared beside him, "Hey, why do you look like you've just seen a ghost?"

Sirius couldn't formulate an answer so simply opted for releasing a choking noise and discretely pointing his finger toward the female marauder that was making her way towards them.

"Ah, I see... wait, did she leave Fabian? Is she..." Remus looked at his friend and took notice of his glazed and panicked expression, "Yeah never mind you aren't going to answer me, good luck, and try not to fuck it up." 

The werewolf turned towards his second companion, "Pete, let's go shake down McKinnon for a flask, there is no way she's sober and dancing like that."

Peter sent him a questioning look before turning his head to catch sight of their brunette friend. He was met with the sight of a very eccentric-looking Marlene McKinnon doing weird hand movements as if she was shaking invisible maracas while spinning in a circle.

Peter simply turned back to Remus and nodded, agreeing that there was no way their female companion wasn't under the influence. With that, the two boys breathed out quiet good luck to their raven-haired friend and left, not before forcibly clearing out the back corner so their two lovestruck friends could speak in private.

*Que Lost Without You by Freya Ridings*

Sirius didn't even notice them leaving because Adelaide Tanelter was now standing in front of him, in all her ethereal glory.

Her eyes cast down towards the floor, "I miss you."

The Gryffindor quickly realized that his silent prayers had been answered, Adelaide had left her date for him. His witch had come back to him despite having no reason to do so.

So for the first time in his life, Sirius Black was speechless.

She must have realized that he wasn't going to answer because she began to ramble, "Which is quite annoying, truly, because I tried not to miss you. I really tried. I tried to not think about you. I tried to enjoy my time with Fabian. It's annoying because you hurt me and I know that... I mean I felt it so obviously I know that it happened. Yet apparently that pain has no bearing on anything because I just kept missing you. I feel like I can't function without you Sirius and it is infuriating."

She misses me.

She misses me.

She misses me.

Adelaide just kept talking, "I am my own person. I am independent. I do not need a man to feel whole yet here I am, feeling completely unhinged without your irritating presence in my life like it used to be. I know I shouldn't miss you because you messed up. You hurt me. You didn't trust me then made a fool out of me and I was so angry-"

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