morgue snackers

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January 2nd, 1977


Adelaide had been reading The Outsiders for an hour before Sirius had decided to come into her room. She allowed him to stay under the agreement that he wouldn't bother her because she had to finish the book before seeing Remus on the train the following day. The Lupin boy and she had agreed to finish the book, which neither of them had previously read somehow, over the holiday and discuss it on the Hogwarts Express.

Normally, Adelaide would have finished the book within a day or two but had found herself rather... preoccupied.

The peacefulness that Sirius had agreed to lasted a total of five minutes. It wasn't that Sirius was causing any ruckus, in fact, the boy had been very quiet while sitting next to her. Completely content just being in her presence, no conversation needed.

No, he ruined it by never letting his eyes leave the girl. He had gotten entranced by observing her read. The way she scrunched her nose if a character said something she didn't quite like. Her blue eyes scanned the pages, absorbing every word. Everything about the girl continued to fascinate him, successfully convincing the Black that he could observe her forever and be perfectly happy in life. So no, Sirius hadn't said anything since he had been in her room, yet he was still distracting her.

Adelaide felt her wizard's eyes on her from the moment he claimed the spot next to her, leaning back against the headboard and she still felt his eyes on her thirty minutes later.

"Sirius, stop fucking staring at me," Addie snapped, her eyes not leaving the book.

Sirius chuckled causing the girl to turn and look at him. His soft smile gave her butterflies and she shook her head lightly before placing a kiss on the corner of his mouth.

Sirius leaned in and kissed her properly, pulling her closer by pulling the girl into his lap and successfully closing her book in the process, placing it in the spot where she once sat.

"I'm try... I'm trying to read," Adelaide mumbled against his lips.

"Then read," Sirius replied. She could feel his smirk through the kiss.

"You're an arse," The witch said as she shifted so she was now straddling him.

Sirius's hand found the small of her back and pushed her closer, minimizing the space between their bodies to the point where only their clothes separated them.

Adelaide's hands traveled down to the base of her boyfriend's shirt, about to pull it up when a loud knocking came from outside her room.

"Whiskers. Pads. Stop sucking face and meet in the foyer, Mum and Dad want to talk to us. Wait, isn't that weird. You both refer to them as Mum and Dad and you're together... kinda feels like incest..." James rambled off from the other side of her bedroom door.

"We aren't related you twat."

"We'll be down in a minute."

They heard James's steps retreating, soft mumbles fading off as he got further away.

Sirius groaned, "I hate him sometimes."

"Yeah, but we love him all the time," Adelaide replied before placing a kiss on Sirius's nose and climbing off of him.

"Love him? Yes. Like him? No." Sirius mumbled as he climbed off the girl's bed, feeling a bit cold from the lack of her body heat.

The blonde laughed as she grabbed the complaining boy's hand and pulled him towards the door, "Oh please, you could never dislike him, you two are far too connected for that. Attached at the hip practically."

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