lunar gossip

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October 26th, 1976


The blonde sat at the marauder's normal spot at the Gryffindor table in the great hall. James was to her left arguing with Sirius, who was across from her, about the best Queen song. Remus was to her right looking as pale and sickly as ever but still trying to give Adelaide all his attention as she told him about the works of the author F. Scott Fitzgerald for the hundredth time. 

"Adie! Adie! Oh, excuse me... Adie!" Peter was running through the great hall nearly toppling over half the school as the students filed in for dinner. 

A large smile broke out on the girl's face as she watched her red-faced friend approach the table as fast as he could. The four friends watched as the boy slid into the spot next to Sirius.

"Date... Frank... Courtyard... Fifteen... Halloween... Alice..." Peter wheezed out as he tried to catch his breath then looked up at Adelaide to see if she understood him.

"Frank finally got some courage and asked Alice to be his date to the Halloween party in the Courtyard fifteen minutes ago?" Adelaide's face lit up as she waited for the boy's confirmation. Peter nodded his head vigorously causing the girl to squeal and reach across the table and grab his hand. The two spoke fast as they mull over the details of the couple. 

"How did she get all that from six words?" Sirius said in awe before looking up at the two boys next to her with a questioning look. 

Remus shrugged, too tired to add any input in so instead settled for simply watching in amusement as his two friends catch one another upon the gossip of the day.

"They've been doing this since first-year mate, it doesn't even shock me anymore," James said as he listened to the information that the two shared as he always liked hearing what was going on around the castle. His two friends never disappointed since they were somehow always in the know. 

"Biggest pair of gossiping gits I've ever seen," Sirius joked causing Adelaide to shoot him a look and kick his leg lightly under the table. Sirius groaned while she smiled innocently at him.

"Merlin, I almost forgot!" Adelaide said as she stood up abruptly and turned to yell towards her dormmates who sat a little further down the table. 

"Oi! McKinbitch! You owe me three galleons!" 

Marlene glared at the girl for a minute before giving in and telling her she'd pay up later. Adelaide pumped her fist in the air victoriously before returning to her seat as the boys laughed at her antics 

Adelaide lay in bed waiting for her final roommate to fall asleep so she could slip out. Once she heard the soft snores of Mary MacDonald, she slipped on her shoes and snuck out of the dorm without a sound. The girl raced down the steps to see the four boys waiting anxiously for her.

"Sorry I took so long. We okay?" She said as she ran to Remus's side. 

"Peachy," the boy mumbled back as he tried to hold himself up.

"Let's go," James said as he put one of Remus's arms over his shoulder. Sirius copied the action on the other side as he nodded his head towards the door, motioning for Peter to open it. 

The five teenagers filed out of the common room slipped out of the castle effortlessly and made it into the forest like normal. As they got within sight of the shrieking shack, Remus stumbled forward causing Adelaide to drop to her knees next to him, placing her small hand on his back. 

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