mistakes have been made

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December 1st, 1976


"Moony it is not a stupid question, it is very important and a necessity for my education." 

Remus glared at his friend over the top of his book from his chair, "Pads, I have no idea who would win in a fight between a shark and a bear. Go ask someone else if it is so important for you to know."

Sirius groaned from his spot on the floor, "I can't just ask someone else Moons! These are muggle animals and you're my muggle expert! Do you not care about your title anymore? Is that why you won't answer my question?"

The werewolf just grumbled in reply, lifting his book higher to avoid eye contact with the Black.

"Look Padfoot! The girls are here, why don't we just ask Lily or Dorcas?" Peter piped up. 

Sure enough, when Sirius looked over he saw four Gryffindor girls walking into the common room. He instantly noticed Adelaide wasn't with them but decided he'd ask about her whereabouts after they answered his animal battle question. 

"Ladies, a word please?"

Marlene and Lily shot him questioning looks while Dorcas smiled brightly at the three boys and began walking towards them. Mary sent him an amused smirk but grabbed the two suspicious girls and dragged them over to a couch. 

"What can we do for you Black," Mary replied with a raised eyebrow.

Sirius sent the girls a dazzling smile, "I have a muggle question that I was wondering if either the lovely Evans or Meadowes would be willing to answer for me."

Lily sighed, "Why didn't you ask Remus?"

"Because my dear Moony is deciding to be a pain in the arse and thinks his book is more important than me," Sirius said while he shot his sandy-haired friend a pointed look. 

Remus didn't even look up from his book when he replied with a mumbled, "Fuck off."

Lily nodded in understatement, an amused smile on her lips from Lupin's response, "I see, so what is this muggle question exactly?"

"I'm so glad you asked Evans, I was wondering who would win in a fight, a shark or a bear." 

The redhead groaned and rolled her eyes, "That is the dumbest que-"

"A shark only has one weapon: its mouth. A bear has four paws with razor-sharp nails in addition to a powerful bite. The bear is capable of latching onto the shark, inflicting maximum damage while the shark is left to try and wiggle free and mourn the loss of its dorsal fin. So in conclusion the bear would win." Dorcas replied with a big smile. 

Sirius's face broke out in a giddy expression, "Incredible! Thank you Meadowes, you're a doll!"

Dorcas smiled sweetly and nodded her head while Lily and Mary chuckled at their friend's eagerness to help. Remus felt the corners of his mouth twitch up in a smile and Peter just soaked up all the information she had given. Marlene just gazed at the curly-haired girl in pure admiration.  

Suddenly an out of breath James Potter came barreling into the common room. The whole group looked at him in concern as he raced over to them. 

"Hello, lads, ladies." James looked at the redhead, "Lily, you look lovely as ever," but his head quickly snapped towards the boys, specifically Sirius, "We have a problem."

Remus placed his boom down and joined the other two boys in looking at their friend expectedly. "Well?" 

"So I was looking at the... um you know," he looked at the boys in hope that they understood he was referencing the map, the boys nodded. "Well I saw something weird so I decided to go to the library."

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