letters from home, well sort of

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January 28th, 1977


Adie was worried despite life being quite good.

The Black brothers had been meeting every Wednesday after dinner to simply talk and it seemed to be going very well as Sirius always returned with a small smile on his lips before kissing the top of her head with a quiet "thank you." Regulus too looked to be enjoying the reconciliation as there was now a slight glimmer in his eyes, something the blonde had never seen before.


Regulus had begun to be integrated into the lives of her other friends as well. Remus joined in on every divination study session and even began taking assisting the fifth-year Slytherin with his ancient runes work as well. While it took some time for Regulus to warm up to James, the two bonded quite quickly, the Potter boy declaring the snake as "one of their own." Peter and Regulus got along fine, they did not speak much but found a worthy chess opponent within one another and could often be found facing off on a lazy Sunday.

Even the girls welcomed the youngest Black in; Marlene especially as her wittiness matched the younger boy perfectly. Mary began to fill Regulus in on all the Gryffindor gossip in exchange for some good Slytherin tales, in which he happily obliged. Dorcas enjoyed hearing about his stance on house-elves both refreshing and intriguing based on his upbringing. Lily was the most difficult, both being wary of one another but quickly warmed up once they discovered their shared interest in potions.

There had not been a reported attack from the dark wizard or his little group of minions since the new year. The suffocatingly dense cloud of fear that had filled the castle seemed to dissipate. It seemed too good to be true.

The witch was blissfully happy in her relationship. She never believed she'd ever get to feel a love this consuming, never trusting she was worthy of such luxuries but Sirius Black has proved her wrong. The wizard was adoring and gentle with her. He listened and was devoted to every step they took. The time spent together had become so constant even their scents seemed to blend.

Lemon and Smoke, a constant, happy reminder of her love.

Letters from their Mum and Dad arrived every Friday morning, one for each of them. She knew it was a way to let the kids know they were okay and Adelaide appreciated it immensely.

Lily's birthday was in two days and landed on a Saturday.

Yes, life was good and that is exactly what worried the witch.

Adelaide did not want to be paranoid but the minute a dark grey, almost black, owl dropped a letter in front of this nice Thursday morning, she knew she had a right to be.

Especially, when the witch swore she'd seen the last of this owl three years ago.

The seal was the same; the oak tree that has sat on her family's land pressed in the gold wax seemed to scream that she was and would never be enough, mocking her for her weakness, for her faults.

The air in her lungs felt rotten as if it were poisoning her from the inside. Thoughts swarmed through her mind at a speed, not even the fastest chaser could achieve.

Sirius, who had noticed her tense stance, looked at her worriedly, "Mon coeur? Is everything alr-" he stopped as he took in the sight of that blasted wax seal before seething in anger, "You've got to be fucking joking."

James had been watching his sister carefully since he saw the owl enter the Great Hall. Undivulged to everyone, at the age of eleven he had memorized the exact appearance of the Tanelter family owl and has spent every single day since checking the windows to make sure it would not be visiting his honorary sister. He had not felt this sickening pit-like feeling for three years and had hoped he never would again.

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