leather, lockets, and love oh my

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*Obviously I had to dedicate more than one chapter to their birthday so here we are with 2/3 of the birthday chapters. (Also for reference it is a Saturday) Plus a new perspective at the beginning.* 

November 3rd, 1976


The doors of the great hall were flung open causing the student body and faculty to turn their attention to the two Gryffindors that had entered. Sirius and Adelaide strutted in for breakfast with matching smirks and arms linked. A chorus of 'Happy Birthday' filled the room, the pair soaked up the attention. Once they made it to their friends the two separated and sat down. On one side of the table sat Peter, Remus, Mary, and Dorcas while across from them sat James, Sirius, Adie, Marlene, then Lily. Before long the group began discussing their plans for the night.

"Lily-Flower, it is their seventeenth! We can't just celebrate here!"

Lily huffed in annoyance, "I just don't think sneaking out is the best idea to sneak out Potter. Two of us are prefects, we can't get caught. Remus, how are you on board with this idea?"

"Because I know we won't get caught," Remus replied bluntly.

"Marls come on, this is a bad idea right?" The red-head said as she turned to the brunette for support.

Marlene took a break from her waffles, "Lil, it is their birthday. There is no way Potter here would let anything ruin their day so I'm going to have to agree with Lupin and say that we won't get caught."

Lily blinked in shock as Marlene returned to her waffles. She looked across the table to see Mary and Dorcas nodding in agreement.

"Lil, please join. It won't be fun without you and I really want you there." Adelaide spoke up as she peered around McKinnon to make eye contact with the prefect.

"Come on Evans, you can't say no to the birthday girl," Sirius said as he wiggled his eyebrows at her. 

Lily groaned before putting her head against the table. "Fine but if we get caught I'm going to hang you all by your toes."

"I'd expect nothing less Lil," Adelaide replied with a bright smile. 

"How will we ever get there? It isn't like we can walk." 

James leaned forward to rest his chin in his hand, holding eye contact with Lily, "You wound me, my darling flower, to think I wouldn't have a solution.  We-"

James stopped mid-sentence, sat straight up, and glared at something behind the girls causing Sirius to look away from his friend to see the sandy-haired boy that was flirting with Adelaide in transfiguration walking towards them.

"You've got to be kidding me," Sirius grumbled as Adelaide turned to look at their visitor. James frowned in agreement not enjoying their visitor. 

"Goodmorning Adelaide, I just wanted to come over here and wish you a happy birthday," Nico said as he flashed the girl a smile.

"Why thank you, Nico, I appreciate it," she replied sweetly.

"What about me Nathen? Aren't you going to wish me a happy birthday as well?" Sirius spoke up as he batted his eyelashes at the Gryffindor.

James and Marlene snickered at the boy's antics while Remus flashed him a look that could only be interpreted as 'don't make a scene you idiot'. Peter was staring at Nico suspiciously while Lily tried to suppress her smile as she attempted to glare at Mary and Dorcas who were chuckling at the scene. Adelaide pressed her lips together in an attempt to ignore Sirius's words.

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