the boys

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December 25th, 1976


"James, you're hair looks fine please stop tugging on it. Peter, if you unbutton and rebutton that jacket one more time I'm going to set you it on fire so you no longer have one to wear. Sirius, stop inspecting yourself out in the mirror." Remus said as he inspected his anxious friends.

"Moony! A little support would be nice! Lily said if I look nice she'll be my date! I HAVE to look perfect!" James snapped back as he ran his fingers through his hair for probably the hundredth time that hour.

Sirius nodded in agreement, "I agree with Prongsie, we have to look perfect. A future with our dream women depends on it."

"I just don't know if my jacket looks better open or not..." Peter mumbled as he fiddled with the purple button of his jacket.

Remus pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a deep sigh, "Okay idiots listen up, James you look great, stop stressing. Sirius, I don't know how big of an impact this ball will have on your nonexistent relationship with Adie, especially when she isn't even your date and Peter, leave it unbuttoned."

Peter and James sent the werewolf a gracious smile while the other just groaned.

"Just because she isn't my date, does not mean tonight isn't important. I have to take every opportunity I have to win her back. She's going with Fabian, he's always been interested in her and he's a good dude, she could easily fall for him tonight. I can't give her any more reasons to give up on us. I have to be perfect tonight," Sirius replied quietly as he stared at his reflection.

The other three boys shared a look of pity before Remus walked over to join the anxious Gryffindor in front of the mirror.


"I can't give her another reason to pick someone else. I can't lose her," Sirius said as he looked at Remus through the mirror.

Remus gave his friend a smile of encouragement "You're not going to lose her, okay? Just be considerate, don't flaunt yourself with other girls, and if you get the chance, politely steal her for a dance."

Sirius smiled back at his friend and nodded.

"Not to mention she's going to love your outfit Pads," Peter chimed in with a big smile.

"I would hope so, I picked it with her in mind," Sirius said as he placed his black silver-lined pocket square in place.

"Of course, what was it that Meadowes said? Wouldn't want to clash?" James teased with a smug look on his face as he brushed of Sirius's shoulders before moving to help Peter with his handkerchief.

"Obviously not," Sirius replied with a smirk.

"To be fair, none of us wanted to clash with Ads," Peter said as James adjusted his silver linen square that matched Adelaide's dress.

"Well, of course, we have to get good pictures, or else Mia would kill us," Remus said with a chuckle as he straightened his own silver pocket square.

James chuckled, "Isn't that the truth."

The bespectacled boy took a deep breath and glanced at the remaining boys, nodding in approval.

Peter cleared his throat, "Well lads, are we ready to go? James has to be in the common room in 10 minutes for Lily and we promised the rest of the girls we would meet them outside of the great hall."

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