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October 13th, 1976


At the beginning of the term, Sirius and Adelaide had drawn straws to see who would get the pleasure of being Remus Lupin's potions partner, instantly securing themselves an Outstanding. The less fortunate one got to be James Potter's partner which at first thought isn't inherently bad as he is also quite skilled at potions. The only problem is the boy gets bored quite quickly and likes to set things aflame to entertain himself, much to the displeasure of Professor Slughorn. Adelaide drew the shorter straw, so there she sat, trying to convince James not to put his quill in the flame while they wait for Slughorn's arrival.

"Hello class, today we will be brewing Amortentia, can anyone tell me anything about it?"

"Amortentia, the most powerful love potion in the world, quite tricky to brew, it is said to smell different to each person, according to what attracts them," Lily replied from the front of the class aside Marlene.

"Correct Miss Evans but Amortentia doesn't create actual love. That is quite impossible but it does create a deep infatuation and obsession, a sense of false love. With that in mind, it is not a potion to be messed with as it is quite dangerous. Five points to Gryffindor." Slughorn responded, beaming at his star student and her knowledge.

"I bet you three galleons Lily Flower smells me in her potion," James whispers to Adelaide.

"I'll take that bet, you're on." the blonde replies.

After two long hours, the class completed their brew and were instructed to write down what they smelled and share it with their partner.

"Okay James, what do you smell?" The blonde quizzed wiggling her eyebrows at her partner causing him to laugh.

James leaned forward and took in a big inhale of the potion. A warm smile spread across his face, "I smell mum's chocolate chip cookies..." Adelaide smiled picturing the tasty treats she loved helping Mrs. Potter bake during the holidays. "... my broomstick, and Evan's fragrance. I know it's hers because she always smells like lilies, honey, and old books." James beamed then wrote down his results. She smiled at her brother affectionately.

He might be a pain in the ass but he does love that girl.

"So Miss Tanelter, what do you smell?" James asked after putting his quill down.

She breathed in the scent and thought for a moment before replying. "Strawberries... rain... quidditch gear... sugar and-" She froze, she smelled sugar and cigarette smoke. Adelaide smelled Sirius. The girl knew her feelings for her closest confidant weren't just ones of friendship but it still took her by surprise. She couldn't let James find out though. That would be humiliating, "er strawberries, rain, quidditch gear, and sugar." She quickly wrote down her complete answers but quickly hid her parchment from her partner's view.

"You were going to say something after sugar..." James questioned. He was quite curious knowing very well why she stopped herself from saying what she smelled.

"No! Sugar was the last thing I could decipher." Adelaide quickly replied.

"So you admit there was another scent, you just don't know what it is?" James pushed. He knew she was aware of what she smelled, he also knew she wrote it on her paper which was why she was hiding it from him. He also had a sneaking suspicion as to why she was trying to keep it from him, seeing as he spent most of his days next to someone that had a faint sugar scent but he needed to know for certain.

"Drop it." Adelaide seethed back well aware that James knew she was lying.

"Fine but you know you can tell me anything, right Whiskers?"

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