in love with somebody else

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December 25th, 1976


The great hall was decorated to perfection, large white Christmas trees littered the room while large icicles covered the ceiling causing the whole room to glitter as the light reflected off of them. Fabian looked to his side to see a wide-eyed blonde girl in complete awe. 

Adelaide's bright blue eyes seemed to glow as she turned in a circle slowly, in an attempt not to miss a single detail of the room. A soft smile laid across her soft pink lips. 

She's so beautiful.

The blonde turned back towards the Prewett and he smiled warmly. 

"Would you care to dance?" He asked as he extended his hand out to the girl in front of him.

"I mean it is a ball after all... and what is a ball without dancing?"

"A room full of bored but nicely dressed fools," Fabian replied with a teasing look as Adelaide placed her hand in his, letting him lead her away.

*Que i loved you first by joan*

Adelaide and Fabian made their way to the floor, the latter placing his right hand on the girl's waist while his left clasped her hand.  The two began gliding across the dance floor.

If I could be honest

I feel like I'm losing you

Adelaide's eyes were drawn to the lights that danced around the room.

Do you even notice? Yeah

How perfect I am for you

Fabian's eyes were drawn to her.

You keep running away when I need you most

Running away when I get too close

My heart is full but yours is running out

Fabian couldn't help but notice how her eyes seemed to be drawn towards a certain spot to his left. He turned his head to see what continued to hold her interest.

You're in love with somebody else

Sirius Black.

Would you be honest?

Tell me what you see in him

No matter where she is, who she's with, what she's doing, it always seems to be him. 

Does he really love you? Yeah

Like you know that I can, yeah

Fabian watched as Sirius's eyes never left the blonde, completely absorbed by the mere sight of her. She was on the other side of the room yet still had his full attention. 

I think I'm afraid of what comes next

Yeah, I'm afraid you've lost your head

It was painfully obvious that he would never be able to win her over because someone already has. 

You're in love with somebody else

Sirius Black has always and will always hold Adelaide Tanelter's heart. 

Deep down Fabian always knew this but had kept a small sliver of hope. Wishing that maybe, just maybe, she'd one day return his feelings but the minute he saw the pair's eyes meet, he knew luck wasn't on his side. 

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