Chapter 14

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Chapter 14: New team


Akiko: 4 y/o
Daichi: 8 y/o
Shisui: 5 y/o
Itachi: 2 y/o
Anko: 8 y/o
Kakashi: 10 y/o
Obito: 11 y/o
Rin: 11 y/o
Ibiki: 11 y/o

•Thank you for still reading this book. Many people commented that they like the story plot and it honestly makes me really happy. I also love all of you for not rushing me to make new chapter. I love how all of you told me to write in my own pace. I know my update is inconsistent and I apologizes for it. I only wrote what popped in my mind so it take time. Thanks for being patient with me. I truly appreciate your understanding.•

•Thank you for existing you beautiful human.•


Akiko hated rainy day. She hated it the most because of it's gloomy nature and today, she completely despise it. Out of all day, they choose to rain on this day. It completely dampened her mood to stay positive because of the constant reminder of today's anniversary.

It was the day of her teammates death. One year ago, at the same day, her teammates left the world.

Akiko could still remember the day as if it was yesterday. The stench of blood, Ryuu's last word, her anguished screaming, Shirota's painful expression, everything. It etched so deep inside her mind that made her nightmare acted up again just like when she lost her close companion in her last life.

"How funny." Daichi spoke, eyes trailing toward the sky as he let the droplets fall on his face. Akiko glanced at his way, raising an eyebrow, silently asking him to elaborate.

Both of them finished their daily spar early in hope to visit their teammates grave but on their way to the memorial stone, the rain came and drenched their sweaty body. They didn't bother to go home to change their clothes, instead they continue their walk toward one destination in mind.

"I just thought that the rain seems to like making people's day worse. It always came when no one need it." He explained as he continued his track, "And on a day like this, it came in a downpour as if crying for our loss. What a joke." He scoffed.

Akiko sighed, "At least now we didn't smelled like a garbage dump. I don't want to make those two idiot roll around inside their grave because of how smelly we were." She then smiled bitterly, "Though if they can magically revive because of it then I don't mind."

Daichi glanced subtly at Akiko. He saw how her expression turned from playful to sad in a second but he decided to against commenting about it.

To be honest, Daichi only vaguely remembered what happened that night. Apparently when he went unconscious, his head hit the ground quite harshly and messed with his brain. His memory was quite hazy but he still remembered hearing Akiko's painful screaming. He was conscious for a few minutes when he was hanging on Ibiki's shoulder. He still remembered the way Akiko's voice cracked as she continued screaming toward the burning forest. When he woke up fully in the hospital after a day of unconsciousness, the news of his teammates death reach him in no time.

The frustration he felt was massive. Out of the four Genin, he was the first one to fall. The scar on his back was the prove of his uselessness. But instead of blaming himself, he started to blame Akiko for his teammates death. She was a prodigy so why can't she save them; was what always circle inside his mind. For a full week, Akiko never visited him and he started to resent her. It was the day that he was released from the hospital did she finally showed up, eyes looked too dead for a three year old girl.

In other words, she looked deader than a corpse.

And that's when Daichi realized that out of all three survivors, Akiko was the one who suffers the most. Because of her expectations as a prodigy, she set her standard too high that it broke her when everything went wrong. She was the one who blame herself the most.

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