Chapter 13

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Chapter 13: First mission (Part 4)

Team 5 was worried. They have been searching for fifteen minutes now yet they still haven't found their teacher. They couldn't risk enemy detecting them if they use Byakugan so they were forced to search the area blindly without clue. Akiko was getting frustrated with every seconds that passed. Just where the hell did that man child go? She was so worried that she even though about forcing Daichi to use his dojutsu, risk be damned.

Oh well, fucked risk.

"Hyuga, use your Byakugan, now." Akiko ordered. Daichi was slightly startled by the coldness of Akiko's voice yet he didn't questioned her as he immediately activate his dojutsu.

Daichi frowned when he saw a few silhouette lying on the ground a few metre in front of them, a puddle of something surrounded them which Daichi conclude as blood. He inspected the bodies from afar and found someone alive among them, though barely. He focused on the dying man and realized that his chakra belonged to their missing teacher. He immediately turned off his Byakugan to save his chakra and reported his finding to the girl in front of him. She somehow became a temporary leader for this team and Daichi was slightly surprised that he didn't mind it at all.

"We need to go fast! He's dying!!" Daichi informed, not bothering to lowered his voice. Akiko nodded her head without any questions and used her chakra to boost her speed, leaving the team behind. Shirota looked like he was about to ask something but decided to stay silent, knowing that the situation shouldn't be delayed with useless questions.

All of them use their chakra to boost their pace so that it match Akiko's. Her face was pale and sweats dripping from her forehead yet she still managed to stay calm. They were aware that the enemy may already sensed them the moment they use chakra but they couldn't care less about that. They need to save their teacher first then retreat. That was the best decision they can make in that situation.

They abruptly stop in a clearing after spotting bunch of dead bodies lay on the ground. Blood splattered around the area. Akiko was slightly relieved to see that there were no body of her teacher among those pile of guts and intestines on the ground. She couldn't find it in herself to feel disgusted by the scene. True that in her last life, her job never really messy like this because she tend to kill people without causing them unnecessary pain. A slit on the throat can do the job easily. She just doesn't feel the need to be disgusted because she was in hurry to find her missing teacher.

She continued her search when she finally spotted a lone body that was sitting under the tree. She immediately recognize his clothing as her teacher's and rushed over there, with her teammates trailing behind. Once she stood in front of her teacher's still body, she crouched down and look at his appearance. He was missing an arm and his other arm was laid on his bloodied stomach that was slice open. His face was pale from the lost of blood. She immediately reached out to his hand and checked his pulse to find that he was still alive though barely. She gritted her teeth to avoid sob from escaping her lips.

He couldn't make it. He lost too much blood.

Akiko felt useless. It was the same feeling she felt when she lost someone important in her last life. She hated it. She already swore to herself that she will protect everyone that is dear to her but she failed yet again. Tears involuntary slid down her cheeks as she bit her lips until the skin crack open and blood filled her taste bud. She was too lost in her thoughts to noticed her teacher's hand moving away from her's. She finally snapped out of her thoughts when she felt a weak squeezed on her shoulder by the hand that belonged to her dying teacher.

"" Ryuu weakly muttered before his arm went limp and fell on the ground. His eyes lost any color in it and went dimmed.

"Uchiha...." Daichi called out, his Byakugan was turned on, "They're here." He tried to stay calm and avoid looking at the body that once host his teacher's soul. He need to be rational. Now is not the time to grieve. He will have to keep his emotions in check until they finally inside their village.

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