Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: Decision

"Tou-san" a three years old Akiko called out.

"Hm?" Fugaku inquired, stoping on his track to look at his eldest child.

"Can you teach me our clan jutsu?"

Fugaku frown slightly at his daughter request. It's not that he don't want to teach her, in fact he was waiting for her to ask him first. But this was too early. His daughter was only three years old. He been planning to delayed her training for a few more years because there's no need to rush. True that there were rumors about the oncoming war but it was just a rumor. There's no need to make his daughter a child soldier this early. But deep within him, he know that this has to be done. She will be the future leader of Uchiha Clan and he need to prepare her earlier than her peers. He sighed, no matter how concerned he was about his daughter, he will need to put the clan first. That was his duty as the clan leader.

"Alright, follow me." Fugaku finally answered before leading his daughter to the place where he planned to teach her. He didn't bother to see if she was following him and continue on his track.

He then stopped when they arrived at place where Akiko roughly remember as the place Itachi and Sasuke learned their clan's signature jutsu. They stood on the deck, watching the lake that was in front of them.

"This jutsu was called Great Fireball Jutsu. It was our clan signature jutsu for generations." Fugaku explained, "now I will give you a demonstration before you try it yourself."

With that said, his hand then form the necessary handsigns, "Katon: Gokakyu No Jutsu" he called out before exhaling fire from his mouth that instantly took a form of fireball.

Akiko stared at the fire with slight awe before she tried to copied the necessary handsigns Fugaku had done before.

"Now I will show you the handsigns, follow my--wait, what are yo--" Fugaku didn't even managed to finish his statement when he saw a large fireball left the mouth of his three years old daughter. In awe, he stood frozen on his spot with widened eyes.

'It was even larger than mine. True that it was only a demonstration so I didn't go all out but this is amazing.' Fugaku was left flabbergasted at the sight in front of him. The heat was rolling in a wave, and he saw the water inside the lake evaporated in a large amount.

It took a few second before it completely disappeared. Akiko looked at Fugaku with constrained eagerness only to frown the next second when she noticed that her father didn't paid attention to her but instead, still staring in front of him.

"Tou-san?" She called out, snapping Fugaku out of his trance. He then awkwardly clear his throat before finally setting his gaze on his three years old daughter.

"That's my daughter. You did good." He praised, placing his hand on Akiko's head then proceed to ruffled her hair, earning him a disgruntled grunt. "We should go now. The sky was getting darker. Your mother might worry."

With Akiko's nod, he then proceeded to make his way toward his home with his daughter in tow. His mind keep wandering back at the jutsu Akiko just did.


"Nee-san!" A small voice greet Akiko as soon as she entered the door of her house. Itachi ran at her with a speed she didn't know he had but she readily open her arms to catch the little guy with no problem.

Fugaku entered the house after her and saw her interaction with her little brother. His lips quirked up slightly, deciding to not bother them, he immediately went into the kitchen to greet his wife.

Itachi lifted his head and showed her a big smile, looking giddy to be with her. Akiko's eyes light up at the sight and snuggled her little brother. This boy looks nothing like the boy in the show, who always contemplated on every choice he made just so that he can make a right decision. The boy before her was still not tainted by the war and its death. This boy was her little brother and she swear to always protect him until her last breath.

"Were you waiting for me?" Akiko asked, looking fondly at Itachi.

"Mhmm!" He admitted, blushing slightly, "I missed you."

She swore that her heart just thump from his adorableness. Smiling giddily, she ruffled his soft hair, eliciting a happy giggle from Itachi. She then peck the crown of his head while hugging him then release him when she heard her mother calling them for dinner.

"Let's eat dinner okay?"



"Something on your mind, Fuga-kun?" Mikoto asked, as soon she entered her shared bedroom to see her husband deep in thought.

"Nothing really." He answered absentmindedly.

"Really?" Mikoto asked again, looking suspicious.

Fugaku sighed. He really can't hide anything to his wife.

"It's when I bring Akiko for a walk together...she asked me a peculiar questions." He started, looking dazedly in front of him.

"Which is?" Mikoto pressed for an answer.

"She asked me to teach her our clan jutsu."

"What?!" Mikoto gasped in surprised, "did you teach her? Tell me you didn't! She's still young!"

"I did." Was only Fugaku short answer.

"But she's only three! She's too young to be a ninja."

Fugaku ignored his wife to continue his story, "but the result left me in surprised. I only demonstrated it once, once Mikoto. And she managed to copy it and even produce a bigger one than mine."

"She did what?!" Once again, Mikoto was left surprised by the outcome, "Fugaku, please don't do what I think you will do!"

Fugaku stared at his wife before letting those dreaded seven words escape his lips, "I will enter her to the academy."

"She's only three Fugaku! We're not even in war so don't make our child a child soldier this early!"

"The war was approaching, this was necessary. She will do good to Uchiha Clan and Konoha." Was Fugaku calm respond.

"Can't you just let her keep her childhood a few more years?! Tell me what we do at the age of three?! We didn't walked around with knives that can kill people instantly!! And now you're forcing my daughter to do that?!"

"She's my daughter too! I know what I'm doing may be wrong but she need to do this. She's our clan future leader and this will make her earned the respect of Konoha as a whole. This will give Uchiha Clan the reputation it deserve then maybe finally break people distrust on us since the nidaime's. I don't want to do this too but she had to!" Fugaku finally snapped, but still lowering his voice as to not wake their sleeping children.

"I-she's young, Fuga-kun. She's... too young." Mikoto said weakly, mostly drained from the discussion they were having.

"I know, Mikoto. Trust me, I know."

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